Mergers and acquisitions continue to be actively pursued by firms across the globe, yet many of them are unsuccessful. This thought-provoking book
Make Your First Million: Ditch the 9-5 and Start the Business of Your Dreams
There are huge bunch of people out there dissatisfied with working for an organisation. They talk about how fed up they are with petty office
101 Reasons to Own the World’s Greatest Investment: Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway
Discover why the model-investment-firm-turned-household-word is the perfect investment--for virtually anyone Robert Miles is a successful
Customer Intelligence: From Data to Dialogue
The structure of the book comprises two parts. Part 1 outlines the current state of play as far as customer information is concerned and attempts to
Economics, Real Estate and the Supply of Land
The book draws together the economic literature relating to the supply of land for development. The standard view appears to be that the owners of
Investing in Emerging Markets: The BRIC Economies and Beyond
This book will examine emerging markets as both an investment option and opportunity. It will first look at what the worlds emerging markets are and
Brand Valued: How socially valued brands hold the key to a sustainable future and business success
As experts in the communications field, the idea for this book has been born from the authors' research about the role of brands in society in
Business Process Outsourcing: Process, Strategies, and Contracts, 2nd Edition
Many corporations are currently restructuring their business processes in order to become more competitive and cost effective. Once the decision has