This is a revision of a classic! This text provides a single source for information on both the structure and management of quality systems and the
Making Sense of the Organization
This volume brings together the best-known and most influential articles on sensemaking by one of its most distinguished exponents, Karl Weick.
Leader to Leader (LTL), Volume 56, Spring 2010
Get insightful articles on leadership, management, and strategy written by today's leaders with this award-winning journal. Brought to you by the
Focus on Leadership: Servant-Leadership for the Twenty-First Century
Servant-leadership has prompted powerful and fresh ideas: leadership without hierarchy, organization in a whirlwind of change; community and shared
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Linking Theory with Practice
This book brings together the foremost industrial and organizational psychologists and leading practitioners to explore contemporary themes
Entrepreneur Magazine: Organizing and Promoting Seminars
This guide covers everything you need to know to run a seminar business: how to identify marketable seminar topics; how to find and recruit qualified
Easy Economics: A Visual Guide to What You Need to Know
Economic analysis can be applied to every conceivable area of life. Unfortunately, few of us have much grip on economics even though economic literacy
Black Enterprise Guide to Starting Your Own Business
BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine is the premier business news source forAfrican Americans. With thirty years of experience, BlackEnterprise continues to
Handbook of Systems Analysis, Volume 3: Cases
Since the dawn of human history people have been facing problemsarising from the operations of systems in which they themselves area part. However,