Never has advice on making money been so essential! Many of the worlds most successful businesses started during an economic downturn, so dont let
Freesourcing: How To Start a Business with No Money
You have had the big idea, well done. Its time to make the next step... but I bet you don't. You see, this is where the majority of business ideas
Buying a Car For Dummies
Buying a car is never easy. Besides spending a sizeable amount ofmoney on this investment, your liveliness probably relies on thisvehicle. You need to
Co-opportunity: Join Up for a Sustainable, Resilient, Prosperous World
This book is about is about a new movement rising to tackle this crisis. It uses consumerism in the broad sense of voting, consuming media,
Inventing For Dummies
Many people dream of becoming an inventor, but very few know how to make money from their inventions. Inventing For Dummies takes the invention out of
Commercialization of Innovative Technologies: Bringing Good Ideas to the Marketplace
This book is a practical guide for building a portfolio of interrelated technologies that will dramatically change the way inventors/innovators,
Could I Do That?
This book is for everyone who, for one reason or other, has an unfulfilled passion, desire, ambition or question. There's something that reader
Competing with Information: A Manager’s Guide to Creating Business Value with Information Content
This is a book on information management for non-IT managers. It is concerned with how the management of information can create real business value.
Incorporate Your Business: When To Do It And How
The book will be for owners of existing small businesses as well as those who are in the process of setting up a business. It will provide the