Marketing needs more genius. And business needs marketing like never before. Indeed every business manager needs a market orientation today. The biggest challenges and opportunities are outside not inside the business. And the only way to grow long-term shareholder value is through sustained, profitable growth. Marketing needs to combine the scientific mind of Albert Einstein, with the creative touch of Pablo Picasso, in order to produce results that Warren Buffett would be proud of. Indeed how would such figures approach the challenges of marketing today? Perhaps Apples Steve Jobs, designer Philippe Starck, or accountant turned marketer, Phil Knight of Nike can give us some clues. Marketing Genius is about achieving genius in your business and its markets, through your everyday decisions and actions. It enables you to think more intelligently in crowded and non-linear markets, to act more creatively to cut through the noise and engage the sceptics, and do fantastic marketing that delivers extraordinary and definable results.
Book Details:
- Author: Peter Fisk
- ISBN: 9780857086518
- Year Published: 2006
- Pages: 504
- BISAC: BUS019000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Decision-Making & Problem Solving
About the Book and Topic:
Marketing needs more genius. And business needs marketing like never before. Indeed every business manager needs a market orientation today. The biggest challenges and opportunities are outside not inside the business. And the only way to grow long-term shareholder value is through sustained, profitable growth. Marketing needs to combine the scientific mind of Albert Einstein, with the creative touch of Pablo Picasso, in order to produce results that Warren Buffett would be proud of. Indeed how would such figures approach the challenges of marketing today? Perhaps Apples Steve Jobs, designer Philippe Starck, or accountant turned marketer, Phil Knight of Nike can give us some clues. Marketing Genius is about achieving genius in your business and its markets, through your everyday decisions and actions. It enables you to think more intelligently in crowded and non-linear markets, to act more creatively to cut through the noise and engage the sceptics, and do fantastic marketing that delivers extraordinary and definable results.
Markets are incredibly complex, competition is intense, change continues at pace, and power has fundamentally shifted to customers. Yet most companies still do business inside out, driven by financial blinkers, trying to improve what they have always done. Whilst the markets, competitors and customers do otherwise. Business needs marketing more than ever, but not as today. Customers are more different, discerning and demanding than ever. Competitors challenge from every angle, across sectors and geographies, imitation is immediate and differentiation is rare. Shareholders, similarly demand better returns on investment, quicker and at less risk. Marketers are under pressure to deliver better results. Marketing is the key driver of long-term shareholder value in business. Intangible assets now account for around 70-80% of market value, and much of this is driven by marketing, and can increasingly be accounted for. Witness the enormous customer capital paid by P the few markets and segments, brands and products which will deliver a superior, return on equity in future years. Evaluating most portfolios will reveal that most companies are still focusing on many activities which actually cause them more harm with every penny spent on marketing, and every extra sale. Focusing on the value creators, eliminating the value destroyers. Value-based marketing is typically about doing the right things, identifying the best opportunities, focusing on what matters most, doing less rather than more. Value-based marketing is about creating more value for customers and shareholders. Shareholder value has often been tarred with the brush of short-term greed, and the financially-blinkered behaviour and corruption which that can drive. Indeed creating this virtuous circle is the only way to drive long-term value for shareholders. More customer value creates more shareholder value. Creating more value for customers is about insight and innovation, but also about managing perceptions and perceived value in smarter ways. That is the route to the win-win, where strong brands really can charge a premium. This requires more radical innovation, more compelling propositions, and doing business on customer terms where, how and when they want, not you. The death of campaigns, the reversal of channels. Value-based marketing demands that marketers step up to lead both their markets and the business, to be the driving force of strategy and decision-making, investment and performance. This requires marketers to work more strategically, innovatively and commercially. It also requires them to be more collaborative and accountable, better team players and leaders. Indeed marketers make the best CEOs. Marketing needs to articulate its real value to business. The new OFR requirements for annual reporting, which came into effect on 1 April 2005, are an excellent opportunity. Marketing is the driving force of future performance, its time for to take centre stage, and become the drivers of business. A marketing genius, brings together the intelligence and imagination to achieve this, and to deliver exceptional business results.
Peter Fisk is a high profile marketing expert, speaker and writer. He is a regular speaker and two events are already being promoted for this year where copies of Marketing Genius will be given to attendees as part of the ticket price, guaranteeing 1250 advance sales. Marketing Magazine, the leading industry journal, having a readership in excess of 85,000, published a shortened version of Marketing Genius in Jan/Feb 05. In addition to this shortened articles will feature in Market Leader and The Marketer, having a combined circulation of 72,000. Peter Fisk has secured endorsements for Marketing Genius by leading professional marketing bodies and the book will be recommended to members having significant potential to generate sales.
About the Author
Peter Fisk is a highly experienced marketer. He spent many years working for the likes of British Airways and American Express, Coca Cola and Microsoft. He was the CEO of the worlds largest professional marketing organisation, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and lead the global marketing practice of PA Consulting Group. He writes and speaks regularly on all aspects of marketing. He has authored over 50 papers, published around the world, and is co-author of the FT Handbook of Management.