The only advanced marketing textbook specifically focused on thehospitality industry . . . The time when you could run a hospitality business with nothingbut a friendly smile and a strong work ethic has passed. Dining,lodging, and entertaining habits are changing rapidly as theinformation age revolutionizes the world economy. More than ever,businesses must focus their marketing efforts on specific segmentswithin the market. Success in the hospitality industry demands thatyou develop the cutting-edge decision-making skills necessary foreffective strategic market management. Marketing Management for the Hospitality Industry providescomprehensive coverage of marketing from both long- and short-termperspectives. Each chapter is an actual component of an overallstrategic marketing model, and the book’s easy-to-read, hands-onapproach simplifies complex material and enables you to graspdifficult concepts quickly and completely. Inside you’ll find: * How-to’s for planning long- and short-term marketingstrategies * Examples of successful marketing strategies * Specific techniques for analyzing markets * Strategic development and administrative aspects ofmarketing * Sample strategic marketing plans that clearly demonstrate howmarketing strategies are applied in both the lodging andfoodservice segments of the industry * Tips on integrating marketing strategy with overall businessstrategy * Numerous charts and tables that support the text and clarifydifficult points Whether you are a marketing manager, general manager of a hotelor restaurant, corporate manager, or a student eager to make yourmark on the industry, with this indispensable guide you willsharpen your competitive edge, reach the customers you need, andmake the most of every opportunity to help your business grow.
Book Details:
- Author: Allen Z. Reich
- ISBN: 9780471310129
- Year Published: 1997
- Pages: 560
- BISAC: BUS081000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Industries / Hospitality, Travel & Tourism
About the Book and Topic:
The only advanced marketing textbook specifically focused on thehospitality industry . . . The time when you could run a hospitality business with nothingbut a friendly smile and a strong work ethic has passed. Dining,lodging, and entertaining habits are changing rapidly as theinformation age revolutionizes the world economy. More than ever,businesses must focus their marketing efforts on specific segmentswithin the market. Success in the hospitality industry demands thatyou develop the cutting-edge decision-making skills necessary foreffective strategic market management. Marketing Management for the Hospitality Industry providescomprehensive coverage of marketing from both long- and short-termperspectives. Each chapter is an actual component of an overallstrategic marketing model, and the book’s easy-to-read, hands-onapproach simplifies complex material and enables you to graspdifficult concepts quickly and completely. Inside you’ll find: * How-to’s for planning long- and short-term marketingstrategies * Examples of successful marketing strategies * Specific techniques for analyzing markets * Strategic development and administrative aspects ofmarketing * Sample strategic marketing plans that clearly demonstrate howmarketing strategies are applied in both the lodging andfoodservice segments of the industry * Tips on integrating marketing strategy with overall businessstrategy * Numerous charts and tables that support the text and clarifydifficult points Whether you are a marketing manager, general manager of a hotelor restaurant, corporate manager, or a student eager to make yourmark on the industry, with this indispensable guide you willsharpen your competitive edge, reach the customers you need, andmake the most of every opportunity to help your business grow.
For several years there has been a trend in college and university Hospitality Management programs toward industry-specific management and marketing texts. The heavy service orientation, foodservice and tourism involvement, and other characteristics of the industry call for special approaches to business.
The only advanced marketing book specifically focused on thehospitality industry. * Balanced treatment of lodging and foodservice segments.
About the Author
Allen Z. Reich is a master of strategic market management. With over 30 years’ experience in both hotels and restaurants, he has served in almost every management position, from chef and owner of several restaurant concepts, to industry corporate posts and hotel sales and marketing. Presently, he teaches in the prestigious hospitality management program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, having taught for five years at the Conrad Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, University of Houston. He is author of The Restaurant Operator’s Manual and a consultant specializing in strategic and marketing planning, repositioning, and turnarounds. His writings and expertise have brought him recognition as a top industry expert witness and board member of several hospitality corporations.