In the challenging world of not-for-profit management, executives are held responsible for virtually every aspect of their organization’s activities, such as legal issues, marketing, lobbying, editorial, membership operations, budgeting, and of course, finance. Unfortunately, it is impossible for one individual to be an authority in every area.
Book Details:
- Author: Edward J. McMillan
- ISBN: 9780470171301
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 336
- BISAC: BUS074000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Nonprofit Organizations & Charities
About the Book and Topic:
In the challenging world of not-for-profit management, executives are held responsible for virtually every aspect of their organization’s activities, such as legal issues, marketing, lobbying, editorial, membership operations, budgeting, and of course, finance. Unfortunately, it is impossible for one individual to be an authority in every area.
The completely revised and expanded fourth edition of Model Policies and Procedures for Not-for-Profit Organizations will help nonprofit executives strengthen their organization’s financial procedures while assuring board members that they are meeting fiduciary responsibilities. This process is streamlined by the more than 200 sample policies and forms included both in this book and on the accompanying web site (offering downloadable and customizable versions of those forms). Major topics include accounting and financial policies, office administration policies, and internal control and risk reduction policies. New to this edition will be dozens of model accounting and financial policies and forms, covering: Sarbanes-Oxley issues, codes of ethics, identity theft, fraud, binding arbitrations, compensation committees, new bank rules, fiduciary obligations of board members, and many more.
NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED SPEAKER: Ed McMillan has been a recognized speaker on not-for-profit financial and management topics for more than a decade. He is the author of eight books on not-for-profit financial management. He speaks on a weekly basis to such organizations as the AICPA and the American Chamber of Commerce Executives. NEW TO THIS EDITION: Dozens of new model accounting and financial policies and forms, covering: Sarbanes-Oxley issues, codes of ethics, identity theft, fraud, binding arbitrations, compensation committees, new bank rules, fiduciary obligations of board members, and many more. ASSOCIATED WEB SITE: Includes an associated web site containing downloadable and customizable versions of all forms in the book. Also includes a glossary of relevant terms and a full index.
About the Author
ED MCMILLAN (Lothian, MD) is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Association Executive is a Nationally recognized speaker on not-for-profit financial and management topics since 1992 for the United States Chamber of Commerce, the American Society of Association Executives, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the American Chamber of Commerce Executives and the International Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus. He has written six books, including five for Wiley as well as Guide to Fringe Benefits for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Complying with SFAS #116 and #117, and The Audit: A Novel. He is also the author of numerous articles, appearing in such publications as Association Management, Leadership, and Dollars and Cents.