“Would you recommend this company to your friends and colleagues?” That’s the ultimate question. Fred Reichheld’s book of the same name created quite a stir in 2006. Reichheld is co-founder along with Owen and Brooks of the methodology behind answering the question. The original book challenged the conventional wisdom of customer satisfaction surveys and coined the terms “bad profits” and “good profits.” It pointed to a faster, much more accurate way of gauging customers real feelings about a company, and a quantitative measure (Net Promoter Score) for establishing a baseline and effectively tracking changes going forward. This book tells how based on a multitude of real cases to actually install and embed Net Promoter discipline in organizations of all stripes. As such, it is a natural follow-on to The Ultimate Question, and will appeal to those with strategic and tactical business responsibilities. Brooks has a treasure trove of examples and case-study findings from the more than 80 companies she has helped put CEM and Net Promoter disciplines in place. Several of these will be explored in the book, and the book’s proscriptions are all informed by results extracted from those cases.
Book Details:
- Author: Richard Owen
- ISBN: 9780470260692
- Year Published: 2009
- Pages: 320
- BISAC: BUS019000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Decision-Making & Problem Solving
About the Book and Topic:
“Would you recommend this company to your friends and colleagues?” That’s the ultimate question. Fred Reichheld’s book of the same name created quite a stir in 2006. Reichheld is co-founder along with Owen and Brooks of the methodology behind answering the question. The original book challenged the conventional wisdom of customer satisfaction surveys and coined the terms “bad profits” and “good profits.” It pointed to a faster, much more accurate way of gauging customers real feelings about a company, and a quantitative measure (Net Promoter Score) for establishing a baseline and effectively tracking changes going forward. This book tells how based on a multitude of real cases to actually install and embed Net Promoter discipline in organizations of all stripes. As such, it is a natural follow-on to The Ultimate Question, and will appeal to those with strategic and tactical business responsibilities. Brooks has a treasure trove of examples and case-study findings from the more than 80 companies she has helped put CEM and Net Promoter disciplines in place. Several of these will be explored in the book, and the book’s proscriptions are all informed by results extracted from those cases.
The Ultimate Question offers a 20,000-foot-high view and perspective for how Net Promoter Scores link directly to business growth and profitability. Net Promoter Scoring and discipline represents a potential win-win for businesses and their customers. Combined with a closed-loop approach designed to increase promoters and reduce detractors, the Net Promoter Score offers a near-real-time metric closely coupled and correlated with precipitating actions. Instead of waiting months for long, drawn-out, surveying, analysis and interpretations, which often end up in closing the barn door after the cows are already out, Net Promoter discipline will affect real, positive change for those companies who apply it correctly. Toward that end, this book is designed to help them do just that apply Net Promoter Scores and discipline correctly.
HOT TOPIC/BUILT-IN AUDIENCE: The real-time customer experience research that this book details is a huge and growing topic. The companies that are the best of the best are using this methodology and there is no book out yet that tells how to really put it into practice. CONFERENCES: The authors sponsor broad Netpromoter conferences that count attendees from blue chip and other leading companies. They also sponsor many of the customer research conferences and will actively market the book. WEB PRESENCE: Netpromoter.com is a community website devoted to the concepts of the book and gets 150,000 hits per month. The book will be marketed through the website, and Satmetrix.com, the author’s company site, will also market the book. FOREWORD: Fred Reichheld, author of The Ultimate Question, will write the Foreword.
About the Author
Richard Owen (Foster City, CA) is CEO of Satmetrix and Dr. Laura Brooks (Foster City, CA) is Satmetrixs vice president of research and consulting. As Fred Reichheld wrote in The Ultimate Question, Satmetrix was instrumental in developing the concept of Net Promoter Scoring. Owens career has revolved around business practice and loyalty-related issues. He built a company dedicated to helping other businesses apply and benefit from customer experience management (CEM) approaches. Dr. Brooks is the acknowledged expert in applying Net Promoter discipline at an operational level. Brooks has conducted and published over 30 studies on Net Promoter Scoring, CEM and customer loyalty.