No matter how financially well managed a company may be, reputation is paramount, as has been seen with recent high profile cases such as Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer. How a company both avoids and responds to problems will be a key element in its future success. This book explores the essence of corporate reputation and its component parts, such as branding, assessing the elements that contribute to reputation and those that might put reputation at risk. It discusses how to identify key risk areas and how to manage these risks in order to maximise corporate reputation as an on-going process.
Book Details:
- Author: Jenny Rayner
- ISBN: 9780470358344
- Year Published: 2002
- Pages: 340
- BISAC: BUS033070, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Insurance / Risk Assessment & Management
About the Book and Topic:
No matter how financially well managed a company may be, reputation is paramount, as has been seen with recent high profile cases such as Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer. How a company both avoids and responds to problems will be a key element in its future success. This book explores the essence of corporate reputation and its component parts, such as branding, assessing the elements that contribute to reputation and those that might put reputation at risk. It discusses how to identify key risk areas and how to manage these risks in order to maximise corporate reputation as an on-going process.
This is a topical subject considered in greater depth than many of the alternative publications on similar subjects. It demonstrates a practical framework in which to positively manage this key subject for all corporations.
Highly practical approach with case studies. * A topical subject considered in-depth. * Accessible for all senior management. * Endorsed by the IIA.
About the Author
Jenny Rayner is an independent UK-based consultant. In 1999 Jenny founded Abbey Consulting to provide consultancy and training on the positive management of risk to improve performance and protect and enhance reputation. Her previous corporate career spanned over 20 years in a wide range of sales, marketing, purchasing, logistics, supply chain and general business management roles, latterly as a Chief Internal Auditor with ICI. Jenny writes and lectures extensively on risk management, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and reputation. She is executive editor of the Business Risk Management Handbook and joint executive editor of the Corporate Social Responsibility Monitor. Her study, Risky Business: towards best practice in managing reputation risk, was published by the Institute of Business Ethics in 2001. Jenny lives in Cheshire with her husband Keith and daughters Jo and Dani.