Today’s competitive marketplace demands high quality and afast track from drawing board to finished product. This guide showshow companies can gain a competitive edge by applying powerfulproject management tools to the product development process. Theauthors focus on speed to market, quality management,profitability, and multifunctional teamwork. They provide tools forhandling the technical concerns of project development andmaintenance, as well as people-related issues such as teammotivation and the demands of top management. Particular attentionis given to saving time and streamlining performance with thelatest project management software. Chapters on everything fromstart-up to completion cover how to: * Define the new product project aims and goals * Create a market-based specification for a new or modifiedproduct or service * Plan, develop, and schedule projects * Break down the work structure for a project * Manage people for maximum performance * Monitor projects effectively from start to finish * Make the right trade-offs when resources are limited * Minimize risks and set up effective contingency plans * Determine when changes are needed and adopt them smoothly A step-by-step plan is provided for all the members of the productdevelopment team, including marketing, engineering, manufacturing,and other personnel. Strategies cover how to organize the productproject team and product support team, complete with tips onassigning tasks, coordinating functions, and subcontracting.Detailed guidelines on how to be a successful project manageraddress control, communication, and conflict resolution. Alsodiscussed is how to monitor project progress, including preparingreports and conducting project reviews. Many practical examplesshow how to apply the book’s techniques in real-worldsituations. Managing the Development of New Products is essentialreading for new product development team members at all levels,including marketing, engineering, and manufacturing personnel.Professors and students in departments of business management orengineering management will also find the book valuable.
Book Details:
- Author: Milton D. Rosenau
- ISBN: 9780471291831
- Year Published: 1993
- Pages: 272
- BISAC: BUS020000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Development / Business Development
About the Book and Topic:
Today’s competitive marketplace demands high quality and afast track from drawing board to finished product. This guide showshow companies can gain a competitive edge by applying powerfulproject management tools to the product development process. Theauthors focus on speed to market, quality management,profitability, and multifunctional teamwork. They provide tools forhandling the technical concerns of project development andmaintenance, as well as people-related issues such as teammotivation and the demands of top management. Particular attentionis given to saving time and streamlining performance with thelatest project management software. Chapters on everything fromstart-up to completion cover how to: * Define the new product project aims and goals * Create a market-based specification for a new or modifiedproduct or service * Plan, develop, and schedule projects * Break down the work structure for a project * Manage people for maximum performance * Monitor projects effectively from start to finish * Make the right trade-offs when resources are limited * Minimize risks and set up effective contingency plans * Determine when changes are needed and adopt them smoothly A step-by-step plan is provided for all the members of the productdevelopment team, including marketing, engineering, manufacturing,and other personnel. Strategies cover how to organize the productproject team and product support team, complete with tips onassigning tasks, coordinating functions, and subcontracting.Detailed guidelines on how to be a successful project manageraddress control, communication, and conflict resolution. Alsodiscussed is how to monitor project progress, including preparingreports and conducting project reviews. Many practical examplesshow how to apply the book’s techniques in real-worldsituations. Managing the Development of New Products is essentialreading for new product development team members at all levels,including marketing, engineering, and manufacturing personnel.Professors and students in departments of business management orengineering management will also find the book valuable.
About the Author
About the Authors Milton D. Rosenau, Jr., is President of RosenauConsulting Company, a firm that helps Fortune 500 companies andothers bring profitable new product ideas to market. As a corporateofficer, he has been responsible for developing both consumer andbusiness-to-business new products. John J. Moran is President ofJ.J. Moran & Associates, a marketing company that specializesin acquisition and application of market information. He lecturesfrequently and has written several published papers on marketingand business planning topics. Both authors are certified managementconsultants and members of the Product Development & ManagementAssociation.