E-Learning by Design provides a comprehensive, detailed look at the concepts and processes of developing, creating and implementing a successful e-Learning program. Horton’s practical, down-to-earth approach offers clear information and instruction without over simplifying. Readers will learn to build customized e-Learning programs from scratch, building on core principles of instructional design to: develop meaningful activities and lessons create and administer online tests and assessments design learning games and simulations, and effectively implement an individualized program The second edition will feature chapter-by-chapter revisions and add new sections and updates that address: new delivery technologies, including social networking, mobile learning, and the use of other new mobile devices; learning from available content; repurposing content; setting and following quality Standards, a revised Catalyst Model and Examples, How We Will Learn Model and Examples, and designing for International and Multi-cultural Audiences, as well as all-new contemporary case studies, examples, and activities. New edition will also include two free online resources: a downloadable instructor’s manual, and a premium content site featuring additional examples and case studies, tools and resources.
Book Details:
- Author: William Horton
- ISBN: 9780470900024
- Year Published: 2012
- Pages: 640
- BISAC: BUS030000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Human Resources & Personnel Management
About the Book and Topic:
E-Learning by Design provides a comprehensive, detailed look at the concepts and processes of developing, creating and implementing a successful e-Learning program. Horton’s practical, down-to-earth approach offers clear information and instruction without over simplifying. Readers will learn to build customized e-Learning programs from scratch, building on core principles of instructional design to: develop meaningful activities and lessons create and administer online tests and assessments design learning games and simulations, and effectively implement an individualized program The second edition will feature chapter-by-chapter revisions and add new sections and updates that address: new delivery technologies, including social networking, mobile learning, and the use of other new mobile devices; learning from available content; repurposing content; setting and following quality Standards, a revised Catalyst Model and Examples, How We Will Learn Model and Examples, and designing for International and Multi-cultural Audiences, as well as all-new contemporary case studies, examples, and activities. New edition will also include two free online resources: a downloadable instructor’s manual, and a premium content site featuring additional examples and case studies, tools and resources.
The e-Learning field encompasses virtually any use of information or computer technologies to create a learning experience, including: standalone courses designed for a single student; virtual-classroom courses; learning games and simulations; lessons embedded within another system (such as a diagnostic procedure, online help, etc.); blended learning; mobile learning; and knowledge management. In the years since the first edition of E-Learning by Design was published, the subject has transitioned from “hot topic” to “core topic.” It’s no longer new and novel; it’s expected–an essential offering for any large corporation, university, or training organization. However, while e-Learning has become an increasingly established and accepted means of providing education and professional training, emerging technologies ensure that the field remains active and growing.
PROVEN SALES RECORD: Horton has a strong and consistent sales record, with 60,000 units sold for Wiley, including this book and other bestsellers (Designing Web-Based Training, 25,000 copies; Web Page Cookbook, 17,000 units). AUTHOR PLATFORM: Horton is a well-known and sought-after consultant, a frequent speaker, well connected in the field, and the author of several successful books. He promotes heavily on his own website and with clients, including conducting workshops (500 participants per year), conferences, webinars (all include a copy of the book), and launching a new book-related podcast series (24 in the first year). INCREASED COLLEGE POTENTIAL: This edition will feature a web-based instructor’s manual with syllabi, additional resources, handouts, how-to tutorials, examples, mini-lessons, and more.
About the Author
William Horton is a leading e-learning consultant and president of William Horton Consulting, Inc., where he specializes in e-learning design, knowledge management, electronic information architecture, and media design. He has been designing technology-based training since 1971 when, as an undergraduate, he designed a network-based course for the MIT’s Center for Advanced Engineering Study. He is a recipient of ACM’s Rigo Award for contributions to software documentation, IEEE’s Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for contributions to engineering communications, and the IF Award (Germany) for industrial design. He recently served on ASTD’s eCC (E-learning Courseware Certification) Committee, which drafted quality standards for evaluating e-learning courses. He is the author or co-author of numerous books including include E-learning by Design, Designing and Writing Online Documentation, Leading E-learning, Evaluating E-learning, Using E-learning, and Secrets of User-Seductive Documents, E-learning Tools and Technologies, Getting Started in Online Learning, and The Web Page Design Cookbook. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.