Marketing for Rainmakers presents an easy-to-read collection of 52 business-building and loyalty-inspiring marketing ideas to help professional service firms increase clients, improve client relationships, and increase business. Full of universally applicable and immediately actionable techniques, the book shows the reader how to build a business or professional practice by creating a marketing mindset that focuses on the customer. Marketing for Rainmakers embraces simplicity, drives action, and builds a hardwired marketing mindset. It targets the vast collection of business people whove proven to be brilliantly successful in their area of expertise, but who tend to be indecisive when it comes to marketing. Marketing for Rainmakers will change that with simple concepts, practical tips, and real-life examples to help small business owners, entrepreneurs, and independent professionals separate themselves from the pack and build meaningful and profitable client relationships that will last a lifetime.
Book Details:
- Author: Phil Fragasso
- ISBN: 9780470247532
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 304
- BISAC: BUS058000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Sales & Selling / General
About the Book and Topic:
Marketing for Rainmakers presents an easy-to-read collection of 52 business-building and loyalty-inspiring marketing ideas to help professional service firms increase clients, improve client relationships, and increase business. Full of universally applicable and immediately actionable techniques, the book shows the reader how to build a business or professional practice by creating a marketing mindset that focuses on the customer. Marketing for Rainmakers embraces simplicity, drives action, and builds a hardwired marketing mindset. It targets the vast collection of business people whove proven to be brilliantly successful in their area of expertise, but who tend to be indecisive when it comes to marketing. Marketing for Rainmakers will change that with simple concepts, practical tips, and real-life examples to help small business owners, entrepreneurs, and independent professionals separate themselves from the pack and build meaningful and profitable client relationships that will last a lifetime.
Active Speaker: Phils position as head of marketing for a major mutual fund company provides him with many opportunities to speak in front of groups ranging from a dozen people to 500 people or more. He will create an interactive workshop and multi-media presentation based on Marketing for Rainmakers which will serve as a springboard for promoting the book. These venues will include Industry Conferences, Broker/Dealer Conferences, Company Due-Diligence Meetings, Chamber of Commerce meeting, and the Authors Unlimited Speakers Bureau. Company PR Support: Phil is committed to support the book with an aggressive and broad-based promotional campaign. He will utilize the resources of his companys public relations department, their outside PR consultant, and the personal and professional contacts of his colleagues and himself. His company is committed to helping promote the book to their clients (i.e., brokers and financial planners). Renowned Marketing Expert: Phil Fragasso is prominent figure in the marketing arena. He has over 25 years of marketing experience in high-tech and financial services. Author has had articles published in Investment News, Boston Herald, Boston Globe, Sales and Service Excellence, and Investment Advisor among others. Internet Marketing: Phil already owns the URL. The website will be mentioned in all press releases, presentations, and other promotions. The website will direct customers to all online accounts for book purchase.
About the Author
Phil Fragasso (Mineola, NY) is a marketing expert with over 25 years of marketing experience in high-tech and financial services. He is currently Chief Marketing Officer for Rydex Investments. Phil has more than 15 years of experience in mutual fund and variable annuity marketing. Before joining Rydex, he was Managing Director of Marketing at Columbia Funds, where he was responsible for product marketing, channel marketing, value-added marketing, shareholder marketing, e-commerce, branding and advertising. He also spent 13 years at Sun Life Financial, where his various positions included senior vice president of marketing for Sun Life Distributors. An accomplished writer, Phil has been published in numerous marketing- and financial-related publications, most recently in Sales and Marketing Excellence and Investment Advisor.