Models play a crucial role in today's financial markets and an understanding and appreciation of how to model financial data is key to any
If You’re Not Out Selling, You’re Being Outsold
"If You're Not Out Selling Book Details: Author: Michael St. Lawrence ISBN: 9780470341261 Year Published: 1998 Pages: 272 BISAC:
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and Confusion de Confusiones
"The market never ceases to befuddle and beguile. These twovenerable works are fixtures on the short lists for most valuablebooks on the securities
Fund Raising: Evaluating and Managing the Fund Development Process (AFP / Wiley Fund Development Series), 2nd Edition
"Proper application of the fund development process can define anorganization's potential for public support and the direct means toachieve it Book
Evaluation: An Integrated Framework for Understanding, Guiding, and Improving Policies and Programs
"This is one of the most coherent and comprehensive theories ofevaluation yet formulated and one that makes a most valuablecontribution. The authors
Famous Entrepreneur Failure Quotes (and What You Can Learn from Them)
You already know not all entrepreneurs achieve their goals. There are many reasons this can happen. However, it's often the case that budding
When to Give Up on a Business Partnership
Giving up. For understandable reasons, many entrepreneurs hate thinking about abandoning any of their goals. They certainly don't want to give up on
5 Essential Tips for Running a Business from Home
Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many business owners have been forced to run their businesses from home. In fact, even when a pandemic isn't
5 Myths About Running a Business You Need to Know
There are many reasons some would-be entrepreneurs don't achieve their goals. Often, it's because they have false beliefs about the requirements