The third title from Executive Development from IMD is devoted toAccelerating International Growth, one of today’s most crucialbusiness challenges. It provides the knowledge and the tools neededto speed up the development process and reach a stronger globalposition efficiently and quickly, and is firmly focused onanswering the real questions facing leading companies as theyundertake expansion in the field. Accelerating InternationalGrowth focuses on the strategic, organizational and humanaspects of international growth. The book is aimed at practisingmanagers in companies that are either in the process of expandinginternationally, or are considering whether to do so. Philip Rosenzweig and his IMD colleagues combine a thoroughconceptual understanding of the attractions and challenges ofinternational growth with a practical explanation of the keyelements of successful implementation. Foreign entry modes,managing entry and post-entry phases, cross-border joint ventures,organizational learning, and human resource management are allexplored in detail. Readers will emerge with the skills to clearlyunderstand what drives the process, identify the key challenges,and avoid the greatest pitfalls.
Book Details:
- Author: Philip Rosenzweig
- ISBN: 9780470360002
- Year Published: 2001
- Pages: 280
About the Book and Topic:
The third title from Executive Development from IMD is devoted toAccelerating International Growth, one of today’s most crucialbusiness challenges. It provides the knowledge and the tools neededto speed up the development process and reach a stronger globalposition efficiently and quickly, and is firmly focused onanswering the real questions facing leading companies as theyundertake expansion in the field. Accelerating InternationalGrowth focuses on the strategic, organizational and humanaspects of international growth. The book is aimed at practisingmanagers in companies that are either in the process of expandinginternationally, or are considering whether to do so. Philip Rosenzweig and his IMD colleagues combine a thoroughconceptual understanding of the attractions and challenges ofinternational growth with a practical explanation of the keyelements of successful implementation. Foreign entry modes,managing entry and post-entry phases, cross-border joint ventures,organizational learning, and human resource management are allexplored in detail. Readers will emerge with the skills to clearlyunderstand what drives the process, identify the key challenges,and avoid the greatest pitfalls.
Accelerating International Growth is based on, and its structure follows closely, IMD’s one-week course of the same name. Much of the material for the book has been developed for the course, and the authors of the book are the present teaching faculty for the course. Philip Rosenzweig, the book editor and lead author, is the program manager. This is the third book in the IMD Executive Development Series.
Accelerating International Growth provides the knowledge andthe tools needed to speed up the development process and reach astronger global position efficiently and quickly, and is firmlyfocused on answering the real questions facing leading companies asthey undertake expansion in the field. * In keeping with the tone and style of the IMD series, it willbe practical, straightforward in style and useful for practicingmanagers. * Many examples are used throughout the book: Heineken enteringVietnam; Citibank; Jollibee Foods, a Philippino restaurant chain;Whirlpool and its alliance in Slovakia; MTN (Mobile TelephoneNetworks) expanding throughout Africa; Dubal, the Dubai basedaluminum company that exports world-wide, and many more. * In terms of geographic representation, this book looks at firmsbased in many parts of the world, and entering Asia, Europe, theAmericas, and Africa. In terms of industries, examples range fromold and stable (beer) to high tech and dynamic (mobile telephones).A range of entry models is discussed including exporting,licensing, Greenfield ventures, joint ventures andacquisitions. * A workbook is included in the Appendix.
About the Author
Philip Rosenzweig IMD, Chemin de Bellerive 23, P.O. Box 915, CH-1001, Lausanne, Switzerland Xavier Gilbert IMD, Thomas Malnight IMD Vladimir Pucik IMD