Managers face an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. The increasing globalization of business has been largely due to worldwide economic development and the opening of domestic markets to foreign countries. The emphasis has shifted from highly-protected state-owned enterprises to an atmosphere of free markets and privatization, which can be seen all over the world. All of the transformation have lead to a highly complex and dynamic competitive landscape. In this new competitive landscape, firms face significant uncertainty, ambiguity and an increasing number of strategic discontinuities, while markets become hyper competitive. As a result, managers are constantly searching to identify new sources of competitive advantage. Business now operates in a new frontier that entails a new economic age and a dynamic, global market economy. This new frontier sparked by the technological revolution and globalization of business has created an exceedingly complex and challenging competitive landscape. The editors have selected contributions that address two major themes in this new frontier – Global Environment, Uncertainty and Knowledge Development, and Cooperation, Trust and Governance.
Book Details:
- Author: Michael A. Hitt
- ISBN: 9780471984979
- Year Published: 1998
- Pages: 468
About the Book and Topic:
Managers face an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. The increasing globalization of business has been largely due to worldwide economic development and the opening of domestic markets to foreign countries. The emphasis has shifted from highly-protected state-owned enterprises to an atmosphere of free markets and privatization, which can be seen all over the world. All of the transformation have lead to a highly complex and dynamic competitive landscape. In this new competitive landscape, firms face significant uncertainty, ambiguity and an increasing number of strategic discontinuities, while markets become hyper competitive. As a result, managers are constantly searching to identify new sources of competitive advantage. Business now operates in a new frontier that entails a new economic age and a dynamic, global market economy. This new frontier sparked by the technological revolution and globalization of business has created an exceedingly complex and challenging competitive landscape. The editors have selected contributions that address two major themes in this new frontier – Global Environment, Uncertainty and Knowledge Development, and Cooperation, Trust and Governance.
The book is composed from papers and panel discussions presented at the annual SMS conference which address not just the conference themes but, more importantly, discuss “live” issues – those that are currently confronting the Society and its members.
A review of the critical issues that must be faced to thrive in today’s interconnected economic world. * Bridges the gap between theory and practice. * Challenges established ways of looking at business. * Features contributions from leading people in the field.
About the Author
About the Editors… Michael A. Hitt holds the Paul M. and Rosalie Robertson Chair in Business Administration at Texas A he is also a Doctor in Economics by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (1985). In 1992-93 he was Research Fellow at the Harvard Business School. He has published several books and articles in international and national journals. His areas of interest are strategic management, economics of organizations and organizational design, industrial economics and game theory, and information systems. Robert D. Nixon is an assistant professor of Strategic Management at the A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, where he teaches strategic management, global strategic management, project management and organizational theory at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. Dr Nixon earned his engineering degree from Brigham Young University and his PhD in Strategic Management from Texas A & M University. Dr Nixon’s research has been presented at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Science Institute, and Project Management Institute. He has published in the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Marketing Science Institute and Organizational Dynamics as well as the proceedings of national conferences. His extensive industrial experiences encompass work for international, high-technology firms and the founding and management of more than a dozen entrepreneurial firms.