This book takes an innovative ‘building blocks’ approach to Knowledge Management (KM), one of the most ‘hottest’ issues in business management today. KM concerns how you identify one of the most important, but under-used strategic assets present within ALL organizations (‘knowledge’), and exploit it to maximise competitive advantage and make the most of your people. As knowledge is often diffuse and intangible, it requires management to consolidate it and turn it into a tangible asset. The authors present a clear framework of knowledge-related management processes and analyze each building block separately. This structured approach results in a practical tool for analyzing the entire range of knowledge-related activities in an organization. Sound in both methodology and focus, this book will enable managers to identify the complexities surrounding KM and chart a path forward.
Book Details:
- Author: Gilbert J. B. Probst
- ISBN: 9780470359488
- Year Published: 1999
- Pages: 368
About the Book and Topic:
This book takes an innovative ‘building blocks’ approach to Knowledge Management (KM), one of the most ‘hottest’ issues in business management today. KM concerns how you identify one of the most important, but under-used strategic assets present within ALL organizations (‘knowledge’), and exploit it to maximise competitive advantage and make the most of your people. As knowledge is often diffuse and intangible, it requires management to consolidate it and turn it into a tangible asset. The authors present a clear framework of knowledge-related management processes and analyze each building block separately. This structured approach results in a practical tool for analyzing the entire range of knowledge-related activities in an organization. Sound in both methodology and focus, this book will enable managers to identify the complexities surrounding KM and chart a path forward.
Will fill an important gap on the list. Of all the proposals recently received on knowledge management, this is the most clearly structured, best focused and best received by the reviewers. It is not a guru-speak book, but provides the real analytical tools for getting the best out of knowledge management. Knowledge and Process Management (KPM) is a key journal on the Business & Management list and will provide an excellent promotion and marketing tool for this book.
Takes an innovative new approach to identifying and systematically exploiting a company’s valuable information resources. * Numerous case studies and examples taken from Arthur Andersen, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Skandia, Daimler-Benz, and other leading corporations. * “Building blocks” approach suits all kinds of readers, from general business to specialist practitioners.
About the Author
GILBERT J.B. PROBST is Professor for organizational behaviour and management and Director of the MBA programme at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He obtained his PhD as well as his habilitation in business administration from the University of St Gallen, Switzerland where he was also a lecturer and Vice President of the Institute of Management. As a visiting faculty member Professor Probst taught at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, as well as at the International Management Institute (IMI) in Geneva. Professor Probst is on the board of a number of companies including Kuoni Travel, Holderbank and Alu Menziken Holding. He is also the President of the board of Swiss Top Executive Training (SKU). He is a consultant for various major companies such as ABB, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Winterhur Insurance, Deutsche Bank, UBS and is the author and co-author of a number of books and journals. His publications deal with the subjects Learning Organizations, Knowledge Management, Systemic Approaches to Management, Thinking in Networks and Structuring of Organizations. STEFFEN RAUB (Dipl.-Kfm., diplome ESSEC) holds a PhD in Management from the University of Geneva. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand. His research, teaching and consulting focus on knowledge in organizations and the management of change. He is a founding partner of the Geneva Knowledge Group. DR KAI ROMHARDT is an independent author, moderator, management trainer, and consultant in the field of knowledge management. He holds an lic. oec. (HSG) from the University of St Gallen, and a PhD from the University of Geneva. He has worked as a consultant for McKinsey Co. and has directed projects for Swisscom, UBS, and Siemens as a partner of the Geneva Knowledge Group.