Not happy with any of the introduction letters that you came across? Introduce your company with the ones mentioned in this article.
Today, nobody has the time to go door to door, company to company, to formally introduce their new business. During such times, this work is done by introduction letters for business. These letters are basically an introduction of your company, a new product, new services, or extension of the old products or services. Though we have given you the format, and a sample, there are some important tips mentioned before that. Take a look at these.
We all know that business writing is very different from creative or normal letter writing. While writing introduction letters, one thing you must keep in mind is to write to the point, be precise, and not to elaborate where it isn’t needed. An introduction letter, for any business, is written very differently and with a lot of thought. Indirect communication has its own advantages and disadvantages, but what we need to do is make full use of the advantages. Business letters are the best way of portraying your company as all the details are written and written words are remembered for a longer time than the ones heard.
Addresser’s Name: Addresser’s Organization Name: Addresser’s Address: Date: Addressee’s Name: Reference: Explain in detail your purpose for writing this letter and the clear intention behind it. The content in this paragraph will change according to your purpose. For example, some may write an introduction letter for introducing a new scheme or product, while some may introduce the business itself to new potential clients. Salutation: PARA I: This paragraph should be the biography of your company or your new scheme/product. Tell everything important about the company―who owns it, what it does, since when, and why. Yes, why is also important. If you are introducing a scheme or product to your existing clients, then you should tell them everything about the new product―when it was launched, its specialties, and also reviews of other people who have tried the new product/scheme. PARA II: If you have included any brochures, letters, pamphlets, or any extra documents with this letter, state it in this paragraph. If possible and necessary, also state the reason for including the same. PARA III: In this last paragraph, summarize your company or product/scheme or state the USP of the same. Also, as a good gesture, thank the client for taking out time and reading this letter. Say you are waiting for their comments/suggestions/reviews, etc. Just before signing off, in this place, give details of contact. For example, ‘In case of queries, please feel free to contact’ and then give all the contact details possible. Remember to always give your official contact details. Sincerely, ________________[Your Signature] |
John G. Smith Spark Electrical Pvt. Ltd. 1/1024, North Main Street, Avenue Crossing Center, NY – 101468 06/12/2010 Mary Adams Reference: Introduction to our new range of lights and extension of related services. Dear Mrs. Mary Adams, You have been our client for the past 10 years and our company needs no more introduction. However, we would proudly like to inform you of our new range of lights and also the extension of our services. We now have a new range of 20 lights available, details of which are mentioned within the attached brochure. We also now provide installation and complete repair services to our valuable clients like you. You will like to know that these lights are the first of their kind in the state and have been invented in our own department. You have now more to choose from, from our increasing variety of lights. Along with this letter, you shall find a brochure with the complete details of our new range. Along with that, you will also find a list of a few experts, who are giving their reviews about these lights. Having said that, we would really appreciate if you could spare some time and see our new products yourself. Also, it would be a favor to suggest these to any potential clients just like you. If there is anything in this letter or in the brochure that does not answer any of your questions, please free to contact us at any of the following: Address: John G. Smith Contact Numbers: 00129305743, 0294028405 Website: www.sparkelec.com Sincerely, ________________ |
Now that you have seen both the sample and the template or format, your views must be more clear.