The literature on OL and KM is extensive: rather than management fads’ these two fields became a permanent part of the management curriculum after they were developed in the 1990s. Our handbook provides a useful overview and summary of the most important elements in each and also shows how they inter-relate. Key areas of update in the new edition are: Resource based view of the firm Capability management Global management Organizational culture Mergers & acquisitions Strategic management Leadership
Book Details:
- Author: Mark Easterby-Smith
- ISBN: 9780470972649
- Year Published: 2011
- Pages: 720
- BISAC: BUS085000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Organizational Behavior
About the Book and Topic:
The literature on OL and KM is extensive: rather than management fads’ these two fields became a permanent part of the management curriculum after they were developed in the 1990s. Our handbook provides a useful overview and summary of the most important elements in each and also shows how they inter-relate. Key areas of update in the new edition are: Resource based view of the firm Capability management Global management Organizational culture Mergers & acquisitions Strategic management Leadership
The two fields of organizational learning and knowledge management have emerged in two different constituencies: Organizational Learning is concerned with how companies can develop best practice and be said to learn’. The research in this area is of particular interest for studies into improving performance and learning from practice. Many of the original contributions in this area came from the field of organizational psychology, and the insights that have been developed by scholars have been taken up by consultants and management practitioners. One of the most important gurus’ in the area is Chris Argyris. Knowledge Management grew within the field of strategy where scholars and experts focus on the knowledge economy’ and on how knowledge is a resource’ used as part of competitive strategy. The resource-based view’ of the firm and the theory of dynamic capabilities’ in firms are linked to this stream of ideas. The most important gurus are Ikujiro Nonaka, James March, Chris Bartlett, David Teece, Tom Davenport. The overlap between OL and KM has interested many scholars and management consultants because it involves the ways in which organizations can increase their knowledge and improve their performance: a vital area for practitioners as well as management theorists.
AUTHOR PLATFORMS: The editors and their global team of contributors are all leading experts who actively teach and research in this area throughout Europe and the US. The major arenas for our promotion and advertising are the American Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the British Academy of Management; the Academy of International Business; CIPD. MARKETING: Copy of book and letter to be sent to all contributors telling them about their discounts To be included in 2010’s new Handbook flyer distributed to reps and library supply To be included in the relevant Business Schools Newsletter To be included in Amazon BTU campaigns To be advertised in relevant Wiley journals Marketed to Society for Organizational Learning Working with the authors with their various academic speaking opportunities UNIQUE HOOK: . The overlap between OL and KM interests both scholars and management consultants because it involves the ways in which organizations can increase their knowledge and improve their performance: a vital area for practitioners as well as management theorists. This volume is an established international authority on the subject with a track record of sales to academics and institutions.
About the Author
Mark Easterby-Smith is based at Lancaster in the UK and is well-known as one of the leading European scholars on organizational learning (he founded the Journal of Management Learning in 1991). His backgroung is in management and organizational psychology. Marjorie Lyles is a highly respected US scholar, based at the University of Indiana, particularly known for her pioneering work on knowledge management in the fields of international business and strategic management.