Looking for some design templates for your business card? Read this article for some good ideas on layout.
Having a business card is a very simple and effective way of establishing contacts and getting yourself known. It is like a mini-resumé, which gives your basic information and contact details in a nutshell. Having an impressive one can go a great way in creating an impression about you and your company in the minds of the people you hand the card to. You can make your own business cards, by using different applications on your computer, and just send them away for printing. In this article, we’ll share with you some templates that you may want to use while you design your own!
Before we begin to learn to design a business card, let us see the things that go into making a decent and reasonably attractive one.
- First comes the size and dimensions of the card.
- Then, you can think about what kind of colors you want to use. See to it that the colors coordinate or mesh with the line of work that your company does.
- Another thing that you must decide is exactly what information you intend to print on it. While some may print only their names, designations, and office phone numbers; some print their names, designations, office phone, office address, email address, fax numbers, and even their personal cell-phone numbers. If it’s your own personal card, then you can decide the above mentioned. If it is a company-approved one, then you’ll have to settle with whatever the company’s guidelines suggest.
- You can use different types of color combinations to design your cards. There are many websites which offer to design logos for people. You can just check out the ones you want, fill in the details according to the information that you want to see printed and print them out. It’s that simple! But if you’re not really keen on that, you can follow a simple, yet effective design.
Alright now, after those design tips, let us see some templates that will give you an idea of how you can experiment with the layout of your business cards.
Template #1
Name of Company Tag line of Company (if any) Name of Person
Designation of Person Office Phone Number
Office Address Line 1 Office Address Line 2 Fax Number Office Email Address Website of Company |
Template #2
Name of Company Tag line of Company (if any) Name of Person
Designation of Person
Office Phone Number
Office Address Fax Number Office Email Address Cell Phone Number Website of Company |
Template #3
Name of Company Tag line of Company (if any) Name of Person Office Phone Number Line 1
Office Phone Number Line 2 Office Address Line 1 Office Address Line 2 Fax Number Office Email Address Website of Company |
Template #4
Name of Company Tag line of Company (if any) Name of Person Office Phone Number |
Those were some extremely simple ideas on how you can go about planning the rough draft of a winning business card. These ideas, combined with attractive graphics and appropriate color schemes will help you to come up with a design that will suit not only your line of work, but also your personality.