Looking for information on how to write a formal report? Here’s an article which will give you the outline.
The formal report is an official document, an instrument of business communication, which gives the reader in-depth information about a topic, which he is looking for. It may easily be compared to a research, but there is a basic difference that it is primarily used to state the facts, while a research primarily intends to conclude with some sort of suggestions for improving the current scenario and is a very important bit of business writing. A formal report can be tough to write for someone who’s doing so for the first time, hence guidance is required.
Now, given that a formal report is a representation of a pretty crucial clutch of data, writing it in the proper order is pretty important, so that it is easy to understand for the reader. It often contains a huge amount of data, hence it needs to be presented in a coherent order, so that it is easy for the reader to make sense of what is given. It also needs to give a small background about what the report is all about and how the contents of it are going to be planned out. At the start, it is also essential to give the definitions for some of the key terms which are used extensively in the report – again to facilitate the convenience of the reader.
And lastly, references need to be cited whenever they are used, so that any problems related to copyright infringement don’t come up later to haunt you. Cited sources can be mentioned in the appendix section.
Report Example (Title)
Title Page This page will give the name of the report, the person who has made it and the name of the company. The name of the company generally comes on the top of the page. The title of the report is generally typed in a big font at the center of the page while the name and designation of the author is given at the bottom of the page in a smaller font.
Table of Contents
The table of contents gives the sections contained in the report and on what page of the report they can be found. Main headlines can be put in all cap and in main bullets to the left. The sub-headings can be normal text and in sub-bullets. Keep a standard format throughout the table to maintain uniformity.
The introduction will introduce the subject matter. It will introduce the subject and define all the terms that are associated with the report, which the reader should ideally know about. The introduction section will also give the purpose of the study and how the data researched on could make a telling difference in the way the company is functioning.
Body of the Report
This section gives the basic data which the report intends on showing. The body of the report will contain charts and graphs and everything else which makes representation and understanding of it simpler.
Analysis and Conclusion
The report, at the end of it should sum up something! So this section gives the meaning of each section and what the report intends to unveil. And then recommendations can be made on the basis of analysis of the data uncovered.
The last section will cite references and give details for facts which you may not have figured out yourself, but may have taken from other sources.
This was all about how to prepare a formal report. Hopefully, this example made things sufficiently clear for you and gave you a guideline on presenting this report.