The approach known as Diversity Management, is about managing theincreasing diversity of issues that confront us. It is a responseto the ever growing number of approaches ? more models, moremethodologies and more theories ? developed to tackle those issues.Diversity Management addresses this new issue to be confronted ?how to choose between the models, methodologies and theories. Thebook, Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning, will provide astrong intellectual contribution to the now widely debated issue ofmanaging diversity. It carefully blends theory and practice inorder to provide substance to the debate on diversity management inthe social and systems sciences. The focus on triple loop learningincreases the fullness of learning about the diversity of issuesand dilemmas faced. It brings together three main learning centresin one overall awareness so that the process is more reflexive andthose involved can operate more intelligently and responsibly.Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning is thoroughlyillustrated with case studies and shows theoreticians andinterventionists how they can operate with a consciousness that ismore than the sum of its parts.
Book Details:
- Author: Robert L. Flood
- ISBN: 9780470866191
- Year Published: 2005
- Pages: 268
- BISAC: BUS042000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Management Science
About the Book and Topic:
The approach known as Diversity Management, is about managing theincreasing diversity of issues that confront us. It is a responseto the ever growing number of approaches ? more models, moremethodologies and more theories ? developed to tackle those issues.Diversity Management addresses this new issue to be confronted ?how to choose between the models, methodologies and theories. Thebook, Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning, will provide astrong intellectual contribution to the now widely debated issue ofmanaging diversity. It carefully blends theory and practice inorder to provide substance to the debate on diversity management inthe social and systems sciences. The focus on triple loop learningincreases the fullness of learning about the diversity of issuesand dilemmas faced. It brings together three main learning centresin one overall awareness so that the process is more reflexive andthose involved can operate more intelligently and responsibly.Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning is thoroughlyillustrated with case studies and shows theoreticians andinterventionists how they can operate with a consciousness that ismore than the sum of its parts.
This book will provide a strong intellectual contribution to the widely debated issue of managing diversity. It positions Critical Systems Thinking and Total Systems Intervention with the wider literature of social theory. With the help of case studies it discusses the use of methodology in managing diversity, and takes a hotly debated issue one large step forward by the introduction of the author’s own ideas on the subject.
Ideas presented are extensively illustrated with insightful case studies. Breaks new barriers and provides a strong intellectual contribution to the now widely debated issue of managing diversity. Author very well known in his field, his title Beyond TQM was nominated for the MCA book award 1993. The focus on triple loop learning increase the fullness of learning about the diversity of issues and dilemmas faced. It brings together single and double loop learning in one overall awareness so that the process is more reflexive and those involved can operate more intelligently and responsibly.
About the Author
Robert L. Flood, born 1955, is Professor of Management Sciences at the University of Hull, UK. He worked for 8 years in management with Paramount Pictures, National Opinion Polls and the Berkshire Area Health Authority, and actively pursues his management interests through consultancy, mainly in commercial organisations. He has authored 4 books, edited 2 others, is founding editor of the journal Systems Practice and has published in many other learned journals. Professor Flood holds a PhD in Systems Science and is also a Chartered Engineer. Norma R. A. Romm is the author of Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning, published by Wiley.