Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients will help financial professionals become media experts and then show them how to leverage their media visibility to get these all-important clients. This book skillfully outlines the key steps necessary to work with the media, become more visible, and attract clients without incurring any expenses. It also offers valuable tips on becoming a household name in ones community as well as how to research and develop relationships with local and national media. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients is a valuable resource for any financial services professional or any company looking to increase their client base.
Book Details:
- Author: Derrick Kinney
- ISBN: 9780470245125
- Year Published: 2004
- Pages: 258
About the Book and Topic:
Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients will help financial professionals become media experts and then show them how to leverage their media visibility to get these all-important clients. This book skillfully outlines the key steps necessary to work with the media, become more visible, and attract clients without incurring any expenses. It also offers valuable tips on becoming a household name in ones community as well as how to research and develop relationships with local and national media. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients is a valuable resource for any financial services professional or any company looking to increase their client base.
STRONG AUTHOR: Author has several regular media platforms in addition to the seminars he regularly gives to the American Express financial planners. The book’s message is crucial for financial services professionals and for any company from brokerage to insurer to bank. IMPORTANT MESSAGE IN TODAY’S ECONOMY: In uncertain economic times, everyone from accountants to insurance agents to bankers need to move “up market” and work with their most desirable and ideal clients. This book will help professionals become media experts and then leverage their media visibility to get these all-important clients. SALES CHANNELS: Author expects to work his contacts at American Express and other companies to drive sales.
About the Author
Derrick Kinney, a Dallas based financial planner, has been recognized as the “most visible” financial advisor at American Express, having appeared in the media more often than any of the company’s other 10,000 advisors. Kinney appears four times weekly on the NBC Dallas affiliate as the Financial Expert and has also been on Bloomberg and CBS Marketwatch. He also writes a weekly column for the Fort Worth Business Press. In addition to his own planning practice, Kinney runs Palladium Media Consulting, which advises financial professionals across the country on how better to position themselves as experts available to the media. He frequently gives seminars to large groups of planners.