Marketing Your Retail Shop In The Internet Age will give specialty retail store owners a proven system for marketing their stores. This system will allow them to compete with both the big box stores and with Internet merchants crucial information at a time when the retail marketplace is changing dramatically and rapidly. The local newspaper and radio stations no longer have the captive audience they once enjoyed. Todays merchants need fresh, innovative ways to look at both customer acquisition and retention. Small store owners can win the loyalty of their customers by creating a great in-store experience and parlaying that experience into a deep, personal, long-term relationship. This approach should be done two ways: by becoming intensely, even obsessively, customer focused and by using technology to facilitate customer communication. This book will show them both what to do and exactly how to do it.
Book Details:
- Author: Bob Negen
- ISBN: 9780470043936
- Year Published: 2007
- Pages: 256
- BISAC: BUS060000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Small Business
About the Book and Topic:
Marketing Your Retail Shop In The Internet Age will give specialty retail store owners a proven system for marketing their stores. This system will allow them to compete with both the big box stores and with Internet merchants crucial information at a time when the retail marketplace is changing dramatically and rapidly. The local newspaper and radio stations no longer have the captive audience they once enjoyed. Todays merchants need fresh, innovative ways to look at both customer acquisition and retention. Small store owners can win the loyalty of their customers by creating a great in-store experience and parlaying that experience into a deep, personal, long-term relationship. This approach should be done two ways: by becoming intensely, even obsessively, customer focused and by using technology to facilitate customer communication. This book will show them both what to do and exactly how to do it.
EMAIL MARKETING: Bob and Susan will include the book as a regular feature in WhizBangs weekly e-mail tip leading up to its publication. They will promote to their in-house list of 10,000, and have secured permission to use the email lists of three affiliates, for a total of approximately 100,000 names. RADIO/PRINT PROMOTION: The author has a weekly radio spot on WMKG in Michigan, called Rants, Raves and Reflections, Real Business In The Real World. He will also promote it on of Jim Blasingames nationally syndicated radio show, The Small Business Advocate, where he is a regular guest and a member of Blasingames Brain Trust. Finally, he is the regular marketing columnist for Florist Review magazine, and would make the title of the book part of the by-line in the resource box at the end of every column and would advertise it every month for at least 6 months in the 1/3 page ad he receives in exchange for the column. Posted readership count for Florist Review is 84,800. AUTHOR SPEAKS REGULARLY: Bob Negen speaks on this topic 50-60 times a year to audiences averaging 200 people (see attached schedule.) FOCUSES ON IMPORTANT ONLINE STRATEGIES: The book will focus largely on online marketing, the most important area for small businesses looking to remain competitive against larger brick-and-mortar stores and Internet retailers.
About the Author
Bob Negen is the founder of WhizBang Training, a small business consultancy specializing in retailing. Clients include leading companies and trade associations. He opened one of the worlds first kite stores in 1981 when he was 23 years old and just out of college. In the twenty years he owned and ran the Mackinaw Kite Co., he grew his company from $17,000 to over $3 million in annual sales and in 1998 the company was named Retailer of the Year by the International Kite Trade Association. He speaks regularly to businesses and trade associations. Susan Negen worked as a senior executive for retailing giants like Bloomingdales, Macys, and Lord and Taylor. After joining her husband Bob as part of the Mackinaw Kite Co. team, she quickly discovered that the problems of operating a multibillion dollar company and the problems of the retail entrepreneur are not that different! In her nearly two decades of business experience Susan has personally managed groups of over 120 employees and brought a keen sense of organization to her fast-growing training company. Both Bob and Susan are enthusiastic speakers and accomplished trainers.