We are moving from what are now closed market systems under the regulation of individual governments, toward one open, global system under no one’s control. Market Unbound is a compelling prescription for adapting to the global marketplace of the 21st century–and the dramatic consequences of remaining oblivious to the requirements created by this impending financial revolution. Lowell Bryan, a very well known and respected Senior Partner at McKinsey, argues that this revolution will have a profound effect on all sectors of business and finance.
Book Details:
- Author: Lowell Bryan
- ISBN: 9780470255513
- Year Published: 1996
- Pages: 288
About the Book and Topic:
We are moving from what are now closed market systems under the regulation of individual governments, toward one open, global system under no one’s control. Market Unbound is a compelling prescription for adapting to the global marketplace of the 21st century–and the dramatic consequences of remaining oblivious to the requirements created by this impending financial revolution. Lowell Bryan, a very well known and respected Senior Partner at McKinsey, argues that this revolution will have a profound effect on all sectors of business and finance.
Compelling topic and heavy-weight McKinsey authors make Market Unbound a significant book for Wiley.
McKinsey the newly constructed marketplace offers an astounding opportunity for tremendous profit for the informed participant, but the equal possibility of detrimental loss for the unprepared. * Information and conclusions presented in the book are the product of indepth, authoritative research by our McKinsey authors. Backed up with case studies and relevent examples. * The dynamics of the new global marketplace will have as profound an effect on the 21st Century as the Industrial Revolution had upon the 20th. All sectors of international business and policy makers need to be prepared for the challenge.
About the Author
LOWELL BRYAN and DIANA FARRELL are senior consultants at McKinsey & Company, Inc. He is the author of three previous business books, and a leading authority on both financial and regulatory issues, and the global capital market. She led the research that is the foundation of this book.