In these uncertain times and volatile markets serious investors and professionals are often at a loss on which direction the markets will go up or down or sideways and for how long. The classical forecasting techniques, technical analysis and fundamental analysis, seem to be failing us. Charts now seem to present contradictory signals and the corporate fundamentals would indicate that prices are inflated, yet they keep going higher. In the last year alone, with the bull market raging, high profile money managers, investment gurus and investors have lost money based on the assumption that the market is going to crash any day now. Louise Yamada is like a beacon shining in the fog. Well-known and highly respected for her substantive and interesting research reports, she combines various analytical techniques into accurate forecasts.
Book Details:
- Author: Louise Yamada
- ISBN: 9780470341315
- Year Published: 1998
- Pages: 272
About the Book and Topic:
In these uncertain times and volatile markets serious investors and professionals are often at a loss on which direction the markets will go up or down or sideways and for how long. The classical forecasting techniques, technical analysis and fundamental analysis, seem to be failing us. Charts now seem to present contradictory signals and the corporate fundamentals would indicate that prices are inflated, yet they keep going higher. In the last year alone, with the bull market raging, high profile money managers, investment gurus and investors have lost money based on the assumption that the market is going to crash any day now. Louise Yamada is like a beacon shining in the fog. Well-known and highly respected for her substantive and interesting research reports, she combines various analytical techniques into accurate forecasts.
Many investment gurus proffer advice on the direction of the investment marketplace but none quite so accurately and with as much research as Louise Yamada. A technical analyst who has worked under one of the masters, Alan Shaw, she also examines demographic trends, economics, and sociological studies. Her research reports are refreshingly accurate and well-regarded within the industry and by serious investors. Market Magic will be a thoughtful examination of Louise’s research findings must reading for serious investors and professionals alike. See attached for press materials and comments from readers.
A unique historical examination of today’s market. * Offers precise forecasts for the next decade.
About the Author
LOUISE YAMADA is Senior Technical Analyst, Vice President for Research at Salomon Smith Barney, where she is responsible for sector analysis of the U.S. and global markets, and where she writes for widely acclaimed reports, including Portfolio Strategist, Market Interpretations, Japan Portfolio Strategist, Latin American Strategist, Group Spectrum, and special research Trends reports. Her work has been the subject of two featured interviews in Barron’s. A graduate of Vassar College, Ms. Yamada teaches at the New York Institute of Finance and frequently appears as a guest on CNBC.