From spring 1995 Blackwell Business has published the BTEC approved materials for the new Higher Nationals in Business. All the materials have been jointly commissioned and developed with BTEC and The Open Learning Foundation. Written at a level appropriate for a BTEC Higher National core module, each of the workbooks is directly linked to the new learning outcomes of the fully revised BTEC syllabus providing the definitive and authoritative coverage for students. The material has been designed to permit a paced progression through each module allowing for the individual learning style of each student, and delivering approximately 80 hours of fully supported learning. Case studies are built into the workbooks.
Book Details:
- Author: Tom Burden
- ISBN: 9780631196747
- Year Published: 1995
- Pages: 300
- BISAC: BUS087000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Production & Operations Management
About the Book and Topic:
From spring 1995 Blackwell Business has published the BTEC approved materials for the new Higher Nationals in Business. All the materials have been jointly commissioned and developed with BTEC and The Open Learning Foundation. Written at a level appropriate for a BTEC Higher National core module, each of the workbooks is directly linked to the new learning outcomes of the fully revised BTEC syllabus providing the definitive and authoritative coverage for students. The material has been designed to permit a paced progression through each module allowing for the individual learning style of each student, and delivering approximately 80 hours of fully supported learning. Case studies are built into the workbooks.
Each of the workbooks is written at a level appropriate for a BTEC Higher National core module, and is directly to the new learning outcomes of the fully revised BTEC syllabusThe materials have been designed to permit a paced progression through each module allowing for the individual learning style of each student, and delivering approximately 80 hours of fully supported learningExcercises and self-assessment techniques will regularly test the student’s knowledge and case studies are built into the workbooksComprehensive instruction is available for lecturers explaining how to integrate the material the material into existing or new coursesAll the materials are highly developed after intense review by panels of lecturers and student focus groups.
About the Author
Tom Burden is the author of Managing People and Activities: An Active Learning Approach, published by Wiley. Leslie Hamilton is the author of Managing People and Activities: An Active Learning Approach, published by Wiley.