The authors of this book have made an in depth study of the strategies and management practices of leading media companies and have identified the core competences media companies need to have to win in the new world. The book is strongly focused on applicability and combines long standing best practice principles with innovative approaches for staying ahead. It systematically discusses competences needed in each of the key functional areas in the media companies drawing on examples from all main media sectors.
Book Details:
- Author: Annet Aris
- ISBN: 9780470713952
- Year Published: 2012
- Pages: 400
About the Book and Topic:
The authors of this book have made an in depth study of the strategies and management practices of leading media companies and have identified the core competences media companies need to have to win in the new world. The book is strongly focused on applicability and combines long standing best practice principles with innovative approaches for staying ahead. It systematically discusses competences needed in each of the key functional areas in the media companies drawing on examples from all main media sectors.
After years of growing demand and increasing popularity, the media industry faced a major crisis with the collapse of the Internet boom. After a phase of industry consolidation and restructuring the media industry is now emerging stronger than ever. Digitalization and its accompanying technological innovations are exploding into the marketplace as well as significant changes in consumer behaviour and they are permeating all sectors of the media industry. The first edition of the book was written in 2004 and reflected the latest developments in the media industry at that point of time. Since then some major new developments have taken place, some of which had not been expected at all in 2004. Major changes are the sudden rise of the web 2.0 (blogs, YouTube, Myspace.Bebo, other User Generated content) and the fast roll out of IPTV (Television offered over DSL and/or the internet), the rise of Google. Changes which are on the brink of occurring are the mass roll out of mobile media and a fundamental change of the advertising market. These developments and the fundamental impact they had on the industry must be incorporated in the new edition of the book.
In the first edition the name McKinsey could only be used under certain rules as per paragraph 4.3 of the contract. We could not refer to McKinsey in connection with the work or for any promotional or marketing purposes without first obtaining the consent of McKinsey. Except in reference to McKinsey s biographical information in the preliminary pages and on the back cover of the Work in the following form Jacques Bughin, a partner at McKinsey and in Annet Aris biographical information in the preliminary pages and on the back cover of the work in the following form: a former partner at McKinsey . The authors are well connected and teach this course at several universities including INSEAD, Hamburg Media School and University of Eichstätt/Ingolstatt.
About the Author
Annet Aris is adjunct professor of strategy and management at INSEAD and teaches the MBA-course Managing Media Companies. She is also a guest professor at the University of Ingolstadt / Eichstatt and the Hamburg Media School in Germany. She is a Dutch native and received a MSc. in engineering from the University of Wageningen in 1984. After acceptance in McKinseys European INSEAD Fellow program, she completed her MBA with distinction in Fontainebleau in 1986. She worked for McKinsey from 1985 until 2003, at first in the Netherlands and in the UK and, since 1990, in Germany. She was elected partner in 1994 and co-led McKinseys German Media Practice from 1999-2003 working on a wide array of topics. Jacques Bughin is a Partner at McKinsey s Brussels office. He is also the core leader of the firms global media and entertainment practice. Since joining the Firm in 1992, he has worked for various offices including Amsterdam, London, Montreal, New York, Rio and Toronto, mostly on projects related media, telecom and technology. He also has helped clients all around the world, in the US, Europe, in Latin America, Asia and South- Africa for media related-issues. Jacques is also a fellow of the Free University of Brussels (ULB).