Because of its structure, thoroughness, and anonymity, a wide-range of organizations, large and small, from various industries and locations have turned to 360-degree feedback as a relatively simple method for collecting observations on specific behaviors from a wide range of people. Individuals tend to accept this kind of feedback and it has become a richer developmental tool than the traditional performance appraisal. Over the course of its deep work in development and implementing 360-degree assessments, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has discovered that there are ten essential steps to implementing and effective 360-degree feedback process: Setting Goals Assessing Readiness Designing the Process Selecting or Designing a Tool Choosing and Preparing Participants Preparing the Organization Administering the Assessment and Processing the Results Delivering Feedback Supporting Development Evaluating the Process This book provides guidance for individuals inside organization and for consultants working with organizations who are looking to mount and maintain and effective 360-degree feedback program. Drawing on lessons learned over the past twenty years of reasearch and practice, the authors present step-by-step suggestions for successful implementation as well as a collection of best practices that CCL has observed and tested with their broad client work.
Book Details:
- Author: John W. Fleenor
- ISBN: 9780470184097
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 128
About the Book and Topic:
Because of its structure, thoroughness, and anonymity, a wide-range of organizations, large and small, from various industries and locations have turned to 360-degree feedback as a relatively simple method for collecting observations on specific behaviors from a wide range of people. Individuals tend to accept this kind of feedback and it has become a richer developmental tool than the traditional performance appraisal. Over the course of its deep work in development and implementing 360-degree assessments, the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has discovered that there are ten essential steps to implementing and effective 360-degree feedback process: Setting Goals Assessing Readiness Designing the Process Selecting or Designing a Tool Choosing and Preparing Participants Preparing the Organization Administering the Assessment and Processing the Results Delivering Feedback Supporting Development Evaluating the Process This book provides guidance for individuals inside organization and for consultants working with organizations who are looking to mount and maintain and effective 360-degree feedback program. Drawing on lessons learned over the past twenty years of reasearch and practice, the authors present step-by-step suggestions for successful implementation as well as a collection of best practices that CCL has observed and tested with their broad client work.
The prevalance of 360-degree feedback in organizations has increased dramatically over the last decade. Today, most leadership and management development professionals are familar with this method of systematically gauging a leader or manager’s behavior or performance by gathering feedback from a range of co-workers, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and occasionally customers.
UBIQUITOUS TOOL – The popularity of 360-degree assessments has grown dramatically in recent years. It’s estimated that 95% of Fortune 2000 companies use some form of 360-degree feedback. THE CCL BRAND – CCL is a well-known leadership development brand and is ranked #1 in Leadership Education by BusinessWeek. THE EXPERTS AND LEADERS IN THE FIELD – The CCL authors are at the top of their fields – wold-renowned experts in the subject of 360-degree assessment. Also, the top 360 assessment in leadership/managment is CCL’s Benchmarks.
About the Author
John W. Fleenor is the Group Director of Knowledge & Innovation Resources (KIR) at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). Additionally, John conducts research in areas such as instrument development and quantitative methods. He is an adjunct member of the psychology faculties at NCSU and at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Sylvester Taylor is Director, Assessment and Development Resources at CCL. Craig Chappelow is a Senior Manager at CCL where he divides his time between working with clients and product-managing Executive Dimensions, CCL’s 360-degree assessment instrument developed exclusively for use with the top-level leaders in an organization. The Center for Creative Leadership is a nonprofit educational institution that serves as an international resource for increasing the leadership capabilities of individuals and organizations. The Center’s activities encompass leadership education, publications, assessments, events, and networks. Through its programs, CCL has a significant impact on some 20,000 leaders and 3,000 organizations each year. The Center is broadly recognized for excellence in leadership development and executive education by sources such as BusinessWeek, the Financial Times, and The Wall Street Journal.