Using LinkedIn for reaching out to a number of prospective clients is one of the easiest ways to maximize your profits. Here are some valuable tips for optimally utilizing this networking platform for your business.
LinkedIn is one of the newest social networking websites on the block. It has over 53 million registered users who utilize it to build their professional network. This is a great way to build contacts with professionals, and find new business opportunities. If you wish to expand your business, then LinkedIn is the best way to get started. You can use this important tool to get a strategic advantage for building new contacts and strengthening your existing professional relationships.
This website is not like Facebook and Twitter, yet based on similar lines. This is more of a professional, business oriented website. It helps companies who are seeking to hire skilled professionals. Also, it is a great tool to promote your company and get more clients who can give you business. The benefits of using LinkedIn for your business are plenty. Here are some tips to derive maximum benefit from LinkedIn.
Update Company Profile
The best way to get others to know about your business is through a company profile. You need to create a new company profile on LinkedIn that contains all the information related to your business. You can give information about the type of services you offer and also provide a list of existing clients doing business with you.
Impress prospective clients with information related to the number of years you have been in business, and the benefits that your company offers. Give enough information so that it generates interest. However, keep it short so that it does not bore the reader.
Create Groups
One of the best ways to keep your LinkedIn account abuzz with activity is by creating a group. This group should be about your company with members who are your employees, vendors, clients, etc. You can even create a group that is managed by your company where different people and organizations can participate to discuss professional information.
Status Updates
You can use status updates to give out information regarding important events and happenings in your company. This means that, if you have crossed the 1 million mark of production, make sure you add this information as a status update. If you are giving out a special deal for clients, then put it up as an update. You can even use status updates to share links that will help bring more business to your company.
You can use LinkedIn DirectAds and place advertisements related to your company. These ads will communicate the information about your company to your target customers and increase your business.
Answer Questions
Answering questions is a great way to build up a client base on this professional networking website. If you offer some particular services, you can answer queries put up by people. This will help you showcase your expertise for a particular service, and get the attention of prospective clients who are looking out specifically for it.
Conduct Polls
Create polls on LinkedIn and allow people on your network, or a specific one to participate. This will help you understand the mindset of the market, and get some real-time analysis for your business strategy.
Post Job Requirements
If you are thinking about hiring professionals as part-time, full-time, interns or on contract basis, then make sure you post all the job requirements on LinkedIn. This is the best way to send out a word to the best professionals looking for similar career opportunities.
Company Buzz
A great feature provided by LinkedIn is ‘Company Buzz’. You can use this feature to know who is saying what about your company. It also helps you keep abreast with the latest market trends. This will help create a brand for your business, and work towards improving the negative points of your company.
These are some ways that will help you utilize LinkedIn for the growth of your business. Once you begin to use it regularly, you will discover its many innovative ways that will help you improve your business. Find more clients and search for professionals who are looking out for a job.
This professional networking website will also help you get recommendations from your clients. You can use them as testimonials to attract the attention of prospective clients. Hope you will incorporate the above mentioned tips for boosting the growth of your business.