An extended enterprise is the current phenomenon of extending an organization outside its traditional boundaries. Internet technology can facilitate work group collaboration within and beyond the enterprise. The use of Internet enabled group ware and work-flow technologies within and between organizations is a highly effective means of providing immediate solutions to an array of transaction processing and information delivery needs facing businesses. Such tools enhance service in the areas of sales force automation, customer service, technical support, work group collaboration, forms processing, order entry, knowledge management systems, and information delivery within the enterprise.
Book Details:
- Author: IT Governance Institute
- ISBN: 9780470237458
- Year Published: 2005
- Pages: 224
About the Book and Topic:
An extended enterprise is the current phenomenon of extending an organization outside its traditional boundaries. Internet technology can facilitate work group collaboration within and beyond the enterprise. The use of Internet enabled group ware and work-flow technologies within and between organizations is a highly effective means of providing immediate solutions to an array of transaction processing and information delivery needs facing businesses. Such tools enhance service in the areas of sales force automation, customer service, technical support, work group collaboration, forms processing, order entry, knowledge management systems, and information delivery within the enterprise.
Globalization and worldwide communications have overridden national boundaries. In many markets, the effect of global financial interdependence (governmental, political, and business) is now so interconnected that they must be considered with almost any decision being made. Additionally, IT has moved from being an enabler of corporate strategy to a key element of it, particularly in the context of the extended enterprise, and IT governance can no longer be easily separated from overall corporate governance in an extended enterprise. It is now recognized that the current corporate governance systems in place cannot meet the needs of the globally extended information- and knowledge-based enterprises of today. This book shows how successful enterprises have integrated information technology and business strategies, culture, and ethics in order to optimize information value, attain business objectives, and capitalize on technologies even in highly competitive environments. An extended enterprise is the integration of upstream and downstream supply chains into the business operations of a corporation. It is the core enterprise of a firm, plus elements of its trading partners’ business functions, working together as an integrated whole. Some people call this a collaborative value chain, and collaboration requires extending functions beyond the four walls of a business to include those of upstream and downstream partners.
Shows how to implement an appropriate governance structure for extended enterprises Discusses the latest emerging practices from major information and knowledge businesses Provides an understanding of a governance structure Shows how operational business activities can lead to the creation of value Provides benchmarking discussions Shows how performance management can lead to the creation of value Written by industry experts at ISACA
About the Author
THE IT GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE? (ITGI) ( was established in 1998 to advance international thinking and standards in directing and controlling an enterprise’s information technology. Effective IT governance helps ensure that IT supports business goals, optimizes business investment in IT, and appropriately manages IT-related risks and opportunities. The IT Governance Institute offers symposia, original research, and case studies to assist enterprise leaders and boards of directors in their IT governance responsibilities. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDIT AND CONTROL ASSOCIATION? (ISACA?) ( is a recognized worldwide leader in IT governance, control, security, and assurance with more than 35,000 members in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1969, ISACA sponsors international conferences; publishes the Information Systems Control JournalTM; develops international information systems auditing and control standards; and administers both the globally respected Certified Information System Auditor? (CISA?) designation carried by more than 35,000 professionals since its inception, and the Certified Information Security Manager (CISMTM) designation, a groundbreaking credential earned by 5,000 professionals in its first two years.