The world is finally ready to discover that spirituality is in fact the very basis of all our most profitable business transactions (even in atheists, and in strictly secular people). Spirituality isn’t something we put into business; business is something that we have already put into spirituality. God Goes to Work explains why spirituality is the most underused resource in the economy. It is akin to a nation sitting on an ocean of oil without ever really thinking about drilling for it, even as the structure of everything around them starts to falter. In fact, the low productivity most companies and individuals are running at, is in part, a result of failing to tap into the spiritual energy available to them. God Goes To Work explains how people of all stripes can learn to use “spiritual currency” in business, to achieve new levels of success. A good book on business must give us something to expand our understanding of how to create more profit, and this book does exactly that.
Book Details:
- Author: Tom Zender
- ISBN: 9780470563656
- Year Published: 2010
- Pages: 256
- BISAC: BUS008000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Business Ethics
About the Book and Topic:
The world is finally ready to discover that spirituality is in fact the very basis of all our most profitable business transactions (even in atheists, and in strictly secular people). Spirituality isn’t something we put into business; business is something that we have already put into spirituality. God Goes to Work explains why spirituality is the most underused resource in the economy. It is akin to a nation sitting on an ocean of oil without ever really thinking about drilling for it, even as the structure of everything around them starts to falter. In fact, the low productivity most companies and individuals are running at, is in part, a result of failing to tap into the spiritual energy available to them. God Goes To Work explains how people of all stripes can learn to use “spiritual currency” in business, to achieve new levels of success. A good book on business must give us something to expand our understanding of how to create more profit, and this book does exactly that.
AUTHOR IS THE PRESIDENT EMERITUS OF THE 3.5 MILLION MEMBER “UNITY” CHURCHES: Unity is a trans-denominational movement with over three million adherents, 800,000 donors, 700 “churches” and 200,000 Unity Church attendees. Zender has spoken hundreds of times on spirituality and business at Unity Churches over the past 10 years, and the current leadership has agreed to support his book in many different ways, including speaking engagements, email, etc. UNITY IS THE LARGEST “NEW THOUGHT” ORGANIZATION, AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT 30-40% OF THE WORLD’S WORKFORCE SUBSCRIBE TO NEW THOUGHT IDEAS: This represents a huge economy of consumers interested in purchasing this kind of literature. This is the first business book in this field. AUTHOR IS A FREQUENT SPEAKER WITH OTHER LEADING “NEW THOUGHT” GURUS INCLUDING DEEPAK CHOPRA, MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, GREGG BRADEN, MICHAEL BECKWITH, AND OTHERS: Zender is a member of an elite group of new age gurus called the “Evolutionary Leaders” who have agreed to promote each other’s work and books. Deepak Chopra and other top names in this group will endorse the book; Chopra will feature Zender on his radio show, and may write the foreword. PUBLICITY: Author’s work as President Emeritus of Unity has been covered in USA Today, the Kansas City Star, the Globe and Mail, and Science font-family: Times New Roman;”>ZENDER PREVIOUSLY RAN THE PUBLISHING OPERATION AT THE UNITY CHURCHES, SO HE KNOWS HOW TO SELL BOOKS.
About the Author
Tom Zender (Irvine, CA; served for six years as the President Emeritus of Unity, a $35 million not-for-profit interfaith organization that provides spiritual publishing, education, prayer, and events for the 3.5 million members of the Unity churches. Since 2007 he has retained strong ties to the leadership of Unity and as President Emeritus has spoken to audiences of up to 1,500 people in nearly a dozen countries. He is a board member of the Association for Global New Thought. Previously he was in senior management positions in venture start-ups as well as major American corporations including GE, Honeywell, and ITT. He has sat on the boards of governance for the Forum for Corporate Directors and Ottawa University.