FROM GRANTMAKER TO LEADER The past one hundred years has borne witness to an extraordinaryrevolution in the constitution and activities of philanthropicfoundations. The evolution of the governance of foundations-fromfounder to family to professionals to institutions-has necessarilyaltered the role that foundations play within a society. Ascommunity foundations, for example, strengthen the essentialcommunal fabric and help all organizations gain a financialfoothold, they find themselves at times in conflict with commercialgift funds, whose transactional nature between the donor and theorganization stimulates philanthropy in a wholly different fashion.From Grantmaker to Leader: Emerging Strategies for 21st CenturyFoundations takes stock of this shifting landscape, presenting boldleadership strategies for directing philanthropic organizationsinto the unchartered waters of the future. Seasoned foundation executives Frank Ellsworth and JosephLumarda assemble an all-star roster of insider contributors,dividing their trenchant study into three sections. “From Carnegieto Gates: The Changing Faces and Needs of Philanthropy” examinesthe history of family and community foundations and how the turmoilof the “New Economy” will affect these organizations in the future.Section Two, “The Foundation’s New Reach: The Emerging Role ofLeader, Communicator, and Facilitator of Change” addresses thecritical responsibility of effectively articulating a foundation’smessage, showing how messages can successfully penetrate the media.Finally, the third section “Building the Foundation Board of the21st Century: Diversity and Strategic Planning” analyzes allaspects of foundation boards of directors, including their makeup,responsibilities, backgrounds, necessary diversity, and the role ofboards in foundation planning. Throughout all three sections, FromGrantmaker to Leader tackles all the critical issues facingphilanthropic foundations today, such as: * Transfer of wealth * Legislative concerns * IRS audits * The role of foundations in public policy issues, such ascampaign spending * Accountability * Planned giving * Assessment of the effectiveness of giving * Socially responsible investment and social return oninvestment Even as the very nature of foundations has changed, afundamental question remains: will philanthropies play a morepervasive role in society’s future or will their influence foreverremain elitist and selective? Writing directly for trustees,practitioners, foundation CEOs and CFOs, and every philanthropicprofessional, Ellsworth and Lumarda make the convincing case thatfoundations matter more than ever, offering proven strategies forphilanthropic success. FRANK L. ELLSWORTH is a vice president at Capital Research andManagement Company, where he oversees and coordinates programs andservices to endowments in Los Angeles. JOSEPH LUMARDA is the Executive Vice President of ExternalAffairs for the California Community Foundation in Los Angeles.
Book Details:
- Author: Frank L. Ellsworth
- ISBN: 9780470240472
- Year Published: 2003
- Pages: 268
- BISAC: BUS074000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Nonprofit Organizations & Charities
About the Book and Topic:
FROM GRANTMAKER TO LEADER The past one hundred years has borne witness to an extraordinaryrevolution in the constitution and activities of philanthropicfoundations. The evolution of the governance of foundations-fromfounder to family to professionals to institutions-has necessarilyaltered the role that foundations play within a society. Ascommunity foundations, for example, strengthen the essentialcommunal fabric and help all organizations gain a financialfoothold, they find themselves at times in conflict with commercialgift funds, whose transactional nature between the donor and theorganization stimulates philanthropy in a wholly different fashion.From Grantmaker to Leader: Emerging Strategies for 21st CenturyFoundations takes stock of this shifting landscape, presenting boldleadership strategies for directing philanthropic organizationsinto the unchartered waters of the future. Seasoned foundation executives Frank Ellsworth and JosephLumarda assemble an all-star roster of insider contributors,dividing their trenchant study into three sections. “From Carnegieto Gates: The Changing Faces and Needs of Philanthropy” examinesthe history of family and community foundations and how the turmoilof the “New Economy” will affect these organizations in the future.Section Two, “The Foundation’s New Reach: The Emerging Role ofLeader, Communicator, and Facilitator of Change” addresses thecritical responsibility of effectively articulating a foundation’smessage, showing how messages can successfully penetrate the media.Finally, the third section “Building the Foundation Board of the21st Century: Diversity and Strategic Planning” analyzes allaspects of foundation boards of directors, including their makeup,responsibilities, backgrounds, necessary diversity, and the role ofboards in foundation planning. Throughout all three sections, FromGrantmaker to Leader tackles all the critical issues facingphilanthropic foundations today, such as: * Transfer of wealth * Legislative concerns * IRS audits * The role of foundations in public policy issues, such ascampaign spending * Accountability * Planned giving * Assessment of the effectiveness of giving * Socially responsible investment and social return oninvestment Even as the very nature of foundations has changed, afundamental question remains: will philanthropies play a morepervasive role in society’s future or will their influence foreverremain elitist and selective? Writing directly for trustees,practitioners, foundation CEOs and CFOs, and every philanthropicprofessional, Ellsworth and Lumarda make the convincing case thatfoundations matter more than ever, offering proven strategies forphilanthropic success. FRANK L. ELLSWORTH is a vice president at Capital Research andManagement Company, where he oversees and coordinates programs andservices to endowments in Los Angeles. JOSEPH LUMARDA is the Executive Vice President of ExternalAffairs for the California Community Foundation in Los Angeles.
From Grantmaker to Leader provides a thorough look at the issues facing the managers and boards at foundations. Written from a managerial, decision-making perspective, it will help foundations strengthen both their own and their grantees’ performance. Contributions from some of the best and brightest thinkers cover the changing faces and needs of philanthropy (including family philanthropy and the impact of the new economy), the emerging role of the foundation as a leader and facilitator of change (including an interview with Hodding Carter III), and building the foundation board using diversity and strategic planning (including how to develop a planning framework).
The only single-volume reference to cover all aspects of financeand management issues solely for foundations. * Includes a glossary and appendix with sample reports, policies,and forms.
About the Author
FRANK L. ELLSWORTH is a vice president at Capital Research andManagement Company, where he oversees and coordinates programs andservices to endowments in Los Angeles. JOE LUMARDA is the Executive Vice President of External Affairs forthe California Community Foundation in Los Angeles.