GARPs Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, and various risk types, various energy products and the markets where energy is traded. It also introduces certain risk management fundamentals and real option thinking. The book is GARP’s required text used by risk professionals looking to obtain their Certificate in Energy Risk Management.
Book Details:
- Author: GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals)
- ISBN: 9780470421901
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 140
- BISAC: BUS070040, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Industries / Energy
About the Book and Topic:
GARPs Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, and various risk types, various energy products and the markets where energy is traded. It also introduces certain risk management fundamentals and real option thinking. The book is GARP’s required text used by risk professionals looking to obtain their Certificate in Energy Risk Management.
In the past there has been limited interaction between energy commodities, both physically and geographically. In many cases, this has caused inefficiencies in managing risks effectively. With the energy profession highly specialized and segmented, recognizing risks across the various segments has become difficult. Foundations of Energy Risk Management exposes employees with highly specialized skills to new ideas, which reduces inefficiencies, costs and overall exposures.
REQUIRED READING FOR GARP CERTIFICATE. Foundations of Energy Risk Management is the required text in the GARP program for practitioners looking to earn their Certificate in Energy Risk Management. GROWING PARTNERSHIP WITH GARP. Foundations of Energy Risk Management is the first in a series of books Wiley would publish as GARP’s publishing partner. GARP’s Financial Risk Manager Handbook, now in its fourth edition, has been an incredibly successful title for Wiley. ENERGY RISK MANAGEMENT A HOT TOPIC. The topic of energy is everywhere: in the media, on Wall Street, on the trading floors. Risk professionals need a central text to use as a guide for business processes and management throughout the energy value chain.
About the Author
The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is a not-for-profit association consisting of 74,890 individuals around the world who are involved in financial risk management. Members come from more than 100 countries and work in regional and global banks, asset management firms, insurance companies, central banks, securities regulators, hedge funds, universities, large industrial corporations and multinationals.