Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures will be an enrichment of Ehler’s Rocket Science for Traders. One of the leading voices in trading technology, the author will shed light on the newest improvements in software programs and online trading aids to improve profits. This book will also compare all the best available methods using EasyLanguage, eSignal Formula Script (EFS), and Excel, so readers will be able to determine which technology will work with their specific trading needs.
Book Details:
- Author: John F. Ehlers
- ISBN: 9780470308820
- Year Published: 2004
- Pages: 256
About the Book and Topic:
Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures will be an enrichment of Ehler’s Rocket Science for Traders. One of the leading voices in trading technology, the author will shed light on the newest improvements in software programs and online trading aids to improve profits. This book will also compare all the best available methods using EasyLanguage, eSignal Formula Script (EFS), and Excel, so readers will be able to determine which technology will work with their specific trading needs.
Cybernetic analysis is the art of predicting the market based on tested systems. Each method works best in different types of markets, and trading success also depends on the individual trader’s specific needs. In Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures (sequel to Rocket Science for Traders), noted technical analyst John Ehlers continues to enlighten his trading audience. With application of his engineering expertise, the author explains the latest, most advanced techniques that help traders predict more accurately in markets that can be difficult to navigate. Since cycles and trends exist in every time-horizon, these well-researched methods are useful even in the strongest bull (or bear) market.
A complete guide to the cutting-edge DSP technology that can substantially improve trading. * Sheds light on the newest improvements in software programs and online trading aids to improve profits. * Includes breakthrough technology and new techniques that enable traders to obtain cycle measurements within 5 samples. * Compares all the best available methods using Excel, so readers will be able to determine which technology will work with their specific trading needs.
About the Author
John F. Ehlers received his BSEE and MSEE from the University of Missouri and did his doctoral work at the George Washington University, majoring in fields and waves and minoring in information theory. A private trader since 1976, he is currently President of MESA Software ( and author of Rocket Science for Traders (Wiley) as well as numerous articles for Futures and Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazines. He has now expanded the scope of his contributions to technical analysis through the application of scientific digital signal processing techniques.