Every finance professional and student needs to understand financial modeling. And even though financial modeling is such a necessary part of the financial world, most modeling books available on the market today stop short of offering readers a complete picture by focusing specifically on theory, without any emphasis on practical application. Creating models allows financial professionals and students to simulate the relationships and states of economic systems and can illuminate and describe systems to the finance community clearly by stripping scenarios of unnecessary complications; they can also be used for forecasting behavior and testing theories. With Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA, Sengupta fills the void in a modeling market that is top-heavy with theory books, and gives readers the information necessary to create financial models by showing them how to use basic how-to information in actual practice. This book, designed for self-study, classroom use, and reference, presents a comprehensive approach to developing simple to sophisticated financial models in all major areas of finance using both Excel and VBA. The approach is based on the author’s 20 years of experience in the business world developing a wide variety of financial models and teaching a popular MBA class in financial modeling that is frequently rated by students as the “most useful finance class.” There is also a CD with this paperback that includes full working versions of all the models discussed in the book. Readers can copy them on their computers and use them as they are or modify them as necessary. The CD also includes several files containing the reference material from the book (e.g., the VBA Quick Reference sheet) that the readers would use frequently. They can copy these files on their hard disk and have them always available without any need to carry around the book.
Book Details:
- Author: Chandan Sengupta
- ISBN: 9780471651093
- Year Published: 2004
- Pages: 464
About the Book and Topic:
Every finance professional and student needs to understand financial modeling. And even though financial modeling is such a necessary part of the financial world, most modeling books available on the market today stop short of offering readers a complete picture by focusing specifically on theory, without any emphasis on practical application. Creating models allows financial professionals and students to simulate the relationships and states of economic systems and can illuminate and describe systems to the finance community clearly by stripping scenarios of unnecessary complications; they can also be used for forecasting behavior and testing theories. With Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA, Sengupta fills the void in a modeling market that is top-heavy with theory books, and gives readers the information necessary to create financial models by showing them how to use basic how-to information in actual practice. This book, designed for self-study, classroom use, and reference, presents a comprehensive approach to developing simple to sophisticated financial models in all major areas of finance using both Excel and VBA. The approach is based on the author’s 20 years of experience in the business world developing a wide variety of financial models and teaching a popular MBA class in financial modeling that is frequently rated by students as the “most useful finance class.” There is also a CD with this paperback that includes full working versions of all the models discussed in the book. Readers can copy them on their computers and use them as they are or modify them as necessary. The CD also includes several files containing the reference material from the book (e.g., the VBA Quick Reference sheet) that the readers would use frequently. They can copy these files on their hard disk and have them always available without any need to carry around the book.
Financial modeling is an essential skill for finance professionals and students. Excel and its built-in programming language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), are the preferred tools for the job. But modeling using Excel and VBA is rarely presented as an integrated subject in books or classrooms with the result that practitioners and students follow time consuming trial and error approaches to modeling and end up with models that are not sufficiently flexible and powerful. Sengupta shares insight on modeling and VBA using a class-tested unique simple approach. No previous knowledge of VBA is required. He details all the advanced Excel tools used in modeling and includes in each chapter a review of the necessary financial theory and concepts. Because modeling can only be learned through practice, the book teaches modeling through numerous examples of increasing difficulty. Few people take advantage of this technique in because they are intimidated by its apparent complexity. This book removes that barrier.
OFFERS INSTRUCTION ON CREATING MODELS FOR REAL-WORLD FINANCIAL MODELING PROBLEMS. Find cases (from simple to complex) for financial investors and managers who use Excel and VBA (Visual Basic Access) software. COVERS A BRAOD RANGE OF PROBLEMS AND CASES. Discover the cases that face most professional investors and managers, including chapters on modeling financial statements, developing good financial models, testing financial models, and measuring investment returns. SUPPLIES SPECIFIC AND STREAMLINED COVERAGE OF VBA. VBA is a powerful modeling tool which most investors and managers underutilize. INLCUDES SIDEBARS AND APPENDICES OUTLINING BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON EXCEL FEATURES AND FINANCIAL THEORY. Has specifics on information not covered in most general Excel guide books. INCLUDES CD. Provides a CD that includes the financial models discussed and depicted in the book, complete with onscreen instructions which minimizes the need to go back and forth from book to computer unnecessarily.
About the Author
Chandan Sengupta teaches finance in the MBA program at the Fordham University Graduate School of Business specializing in Financial Modeling, Business Valuation, Corporate Finance, and Investment Management. Formerly, he was Vice President at the Chase Manhattan Bank for eight years and Senior Financial Advisor for Mobil Corporation for ten years. He is also the author of The Only Proven Road to Investment Success (John Wiley, 2002).