Proven-to-work tools for building or fine-tuning teams The authors of Designing Team-Based Organizations presenthands-on guidance for establishing or refining teams inorganizations where they carry out the core work process. Though teams are fast becoming the basic foundation ofbusinesses and other organizations, surprisingly few resources areavailable to help managers, leaders, and design teams organize anentire business or business unit around teams. In response torequests from their consulting clients, including Texas Instrumentsand Honeywell, the Mohrmans developed these step-by-step materialsto accomplish just that. The workbook is a practical guide that combines basic conceptswith dozens of valuable worksheets that team organizers can use tocreate a viable design plan. Attractively designed with cleargraphics, sidebars, to-do lists, and diagnostic aids, the workbookdetails planning, design, goals, decision-making, communications,leadership roles, performance management, and more. Thefacilitator’s guide outlines how to use the workbook with groups sothat unit managers, project managers, design professionals, andhuman resource staffs can work efficiently with their managementteams to transform their groups into teams.
Book Details:
- Author: Susan Albers Mohrman
- ISBN: 9780787908645
- Year Published: 1997
- Pages: 126
About the Book and Topic:
Proven-to-work tools for building or fine-tuning teams The authors of Designing Team-Based Organizations presenthands-on guidance for establishing or refining teams inorganizations where they carry out the core work process. Though teams are fast becoming the basic foundation ofbusinesses and other organizations, surprisingly few resources areavailable to help managers, leaders, and design teams organize anentire business or business unit around teams. In response torequests from their consulting clients, including Texas Instrumentsand Honeywell, the Mohrmans developed these step-by-step materialsto accomplish just that. The workbook is a practical guide that combines basic conceptswith dozens of valuable worksheets that team organizers can use tocreate a viable design plan. Attractively designed with cleargraphics, sidebars, to-do lists, and diagnostic aids, the workbookdetails planning, design, goals, decision-making, communications,leadership roles, performance management, and more. Thefacilitator’s guide outlines how to use the workbook with groups sothat unit managers, project managers, design professionals, andhuman resource staffs can work efficiently with their managementteams to transform their groups into teams.
About the Author
SUSAN ALBERS MOHRMAN and ALLAN M. MOHRMAN are senior researchers at the University of Southern California’s Center for Effective Organizations. They are the authors or coauthors of several books, including Designing Team-Based Organizations and Large-Scale Organizational Change. They live in Altadena, California.