This book describes the last part of the ROI Methodology communicating and using results. With data in hand, the questions become: What should be we do with the data; Who should see it; How do we distribute the information; How do we make sure the audience understands it; and How do we use it? Includes: Importance of Reporting and Using Data Communicating Principles Typical Audiences Audience Needs Impact Study Reports Face-to-Face Meetings Executive Summaries One Page Summaries Web Based Tools General Interest Articles Newsletters Brochures Using Data Driving Action Tracking the Use of Data
Book Details:
- Author: Jack J. Phillips
- ISBN: 9780470196441
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 224
About the Book and Topic:
This book describes the last part of the ROI Methodology communicating and using results. With data in hand, the questions become: What should be we do with the data; Who should see it; How do we distribute the information; How do we make sure the audience understands it; and How do we use it? Includes: Importance of Reporting and Using Data Communicating Principles Typical Audiences Audience Needs Impact Study Reports Face-to-Face Meetings Executive Summaries One Page Summaries Web Based Tools General Interest Articles Newsletters Brochures Using Data Driving Action Tracking the Use of Data
Practitioners and researchers need to develop routine processes of communication, implementing steps to ensure that communication takes place on a timely basis. They need efficient tools to adjust to todays technology driven society to ensure that the information is understood and that a call to action is followed. When it is appropriate to have face-to-face communication, practitioners need to know how to prepare for, and conduct, this important meeting effectively and efficiently, adhering to the desired goals and objectives of the meeting. This book satisfies these needs providing practical advice on communication and recognizing that a variety of audiences have a variety of needs and that evaluators possess a variety of methods for reporting results.
The Crucial Final Step. If this step is not tackled properly, much of the evaluation study may be wasted. This book shows how to present the data in ways that drive improvement and action and build respect for the ROI methodology. Practical, No-nonsense Guide A variety of examples taken from actual projects illustrates how data is communicated using tools and techniques from the simple to the more complex process. Provide much how to information, using practical advice with a clear focus of emphasizing audiences, their needs, the range of reporting methods, effectiveness, and efficiency throughout the process. ROI Institute Connection. The leaders in measurement and ROI research, pedagogy, tools, case studies, and programs, the ROI Institute has delivered workshops to more than 25,000 training professionals — offered in almost every major international city. Routine offerings of one- and two-day workshops sponsored by ASTD and other organizations and are offered about 40 times per year by the Institute. The Series will be an indispensable tool to support ROI Institute workshops, certification programs, and as handouts on particular topics and aggressively marketed and promoted by the Institute and its partners.
About the Author
Dr. Patti Phillips, an internationally recognized author, consultant, and researcher, President and CEO of the ROI Institute, Inc., the leading source of ROI evaluation education, research and networking. She is a Chairman of The Chelsea Group, Inc., an international consulting organization supporting organizations and their efforts to build accountability into their training, human resources, and performance improvement programs. The ROI Institute, a benchmarking, research, information sharing organization that provides consulting services, workshops, and certification in the ROI methodology. Widely considered leading authorities on evaluation and measurement of learning and development in organizations, the Institute annually conducts workshops and offers certifications for thousands of practitioners through a variety of strategic partners, including ASTD, Bloom, Knowledge Advisors, Meeting Professionals International, SAP Education, University Alliance, Worldwide Association of Business Coaches, and more than 25 international partners. The Institutes main office is in Chelsea, AL.