This book is a thorough revision of authors’ previous editions. A necessary addition to virtual teams literature, it includes up to date analysis to reflect the changing business environment. Duarte and Snyder definitively build on their research and experience to examine the new face of virtual teams as standard work practice. VT’s no longer have to cross geographic or cultural boundaries– they can exisit in the same building. As leaders in their field, the authors tackle the challenges of today’s virtual team head-on. The reformatted and revised chapters include: Critical success factors Myths and Realities of leading virtual teams Six major steps to starting a virtual team How to use technology as ‘an additional team member’ rather than overuse one type Impact of culture Building trust Virtual team meetings Team dynamics
Book Details:
- Author: Deborah L. Duarte
- ISBN: 9780787982805
- Year Published: 2006
- Pages: 272
About the Book and Topic:
This book is a thorough revision of authors’ previous editions. A necessary addition to virtual teams literature, it includes up to date analysis to reflect the changing business environment. Duarte and Snyder definitively build on their research and experience to examine the new face of virtual teams as standard work practice. VT’s no longer have to cross geographic or cultural boundaries– they can exisit in the same building. As leaders in their field, the authors tackle the challenges of today’s virtual team head-on. The reformatted and revised chapters include: Critical success factors Myths and Realities of leading virtual teams Six major steps to starting a virtual team How to use technology as ‘an additional team member’ rather than overuse one type Impact of culture Building trust Virtual team meetings Team dynamics
Virtual teams are more complex than traditional work teams. Teams can work across continents or in the same building. Virtual teams necessitate technology and communication skills in order to function. .
THE LEADING BOOK IN THE VIRTUAL TEAM CATEGORY: The previous editions have sold over 18,000 copies, making it the dominant seller in its category. With outsourcing and globalization continuing to be hot topics, the demand for virtual teams literature will expand. AUTHORS ARE TEAM EXPERTS: After the success of the first two editions, authors are well-respected in the virtual teams community and have a broad network. JOSSEY-BASS/ WILEY CORE FOCUS: JB/Wiley is one of the leading publishers in virtual team management and effectiveness.
About the Author
Deborah Duarte is a consultant on innovation, knowledge management, and leadership. She has consulted with many public and private organizations, including Time Life, NASA, Freddie Mac, Discovery Communication, Exxon Mobil, SBA, and Johnson & Johnson. Nancy Tennant Snyder is corporate vice president of core competencies and leadership development for Whirlpool Corporation. She has consulted at many companies on a wide range of business topics. Holding a doctorate in organizational behavior from George Washington University, she is the author of numerous articles on globalization, virtual teams, and organizational capability.