Investing on Margin provides a step-by-step dissection of the mechanics of the Margin Account. This book uses a hands-on approach to show in understandable detail how a Regulation T Margin Call is arrived at, how it may be answered and the result of what the account looks like before the call is issued, after it is issued and after it is met. Other items that are covered in the same aforementioned detail are Minimum Maintenance Requirements, Short Selling, Bonds, Corporate, Convertible, Municipal, U.S. Treasury Obligations and the workings of the Special Memorandum Account (SMA). At the end of each chapter, there is a ten question quiz (along with detailed answers) to test yourself on each area before moving on. At the end of the book there are an additional 25 questions and answers covering the entire book.
Book Details:
- Author: Michael T. Curley
- ISBN: 9780470267929
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 224
- BISAC: BUS036000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Investments & Securities / General
About the Book and Topic:
Investing on Margin provides a step-by-step dissection of the mechanics of the Margin Account. This book uses a hands-on approach to show in understandable detail how a Regulation T Margin Call is arrived at, how it may be answered and the result of what the account looks like before the call is issued, after it is issued and after it is met. Other items that are covered in the same aforementioned detail are Minimum Maintenance Requirements, Short Selling, Bonds, Corporate, Convertible, Municipal, U.S. Treasury Obligations and the workings of the Special Memorandum Account (SMA). At the end of each chapter, there is a ten question quiz (along with detailed answers) to test yourself on each area before moving on. At the end of the book there are an additional 25 questions and answers covering the entire book.
The mystique of Margin Trading is shattered. Margin Trading has had the finger pointed at it for the crashes of 1929, 1987 and the Sell-off in the early part of this century. This book is a self-teaching step-by-step dissecting of the mechanics of the Margin Account.
MARKET TIMING: Investing on margin was in its heyday in 2000-2001. It dropped off and is now having a resurgence as forms of investing on margin (such as hedge funds and short selling) have increased in popularity among the general public. The baby boomer population is also finding this an attractive, tax deductible means of re-investment. ACTIVE INSTRUCTOR: Curley currently teaches at the New York Institute of Finance and at the Securities Operations Forum, and he has also taught classes for New York Stock Exchange and the SEC. His independent clients include Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, and ADP Clearing. EXPERIENCED AUTHOR: Curley is the former Manager of Operations at Citibank and Vice President of Operations at State Street and Hartford Trust Company of New York. ADVANCED MATERIAL: This book would be positioned as a higher priced guide to Margin Accounts.
About the Author
Michael Curley has over 49 years experience in the financial community, including 15 years in the banking industry and 15 years in the brokerage industry. His experience has been attained as Manager of Operations at Citibank, as Vice President of Operations at both State Street and Hartford Trust Company of New York, and from work in the Division of Compliance, Finance and Margin of the New York Stock Exchange. Since 1987, Curley has been a full-time financial trainer and consultant. He currently teaches at the New York Institute of Finance and at the Securities Operations Forum