Because of our failure to manage the deluge of messages in our collective inbox, e-mail is causing more productivity loss than gain. This book will lend a much-needed voice to the causes of e-mail overload and frustration, and offer guidance in using it to greatest advantage. The legal chapter, which was written in consultation with a US lawyer with experience using e-mail in court, will provide added insight to help readers avoid highly damaging legal pitfalls. Having put e-mail in its proper context — that is, as one of many ways to communicate and manage tasks — readers will come away from this book savvier and better able to manage their time and information.
Book Details:
- Author: Christina Cavanagh
- ISBN: 9780470193501
- Year Published: 2003
- Pages: 208
- BISAC: BUS007000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Business Communication / General
About the Book and Topic:
Because of our failure to manage the deluge of messages in our collective inbox, e-mail is causing more productivity loss than gain. This book will lend a much-needed voice to the causes of e-mail overload and frustration, and offer guidance in using it to greatest advantage. The legal chapter, which was written in consultation with a US lawyer with experience using e-mail in court, will provide added insight to help readers avoid highly damaging legal pitfalls. Having put e-mail in its proper context — that is, as one of many ways to communicate and manage tasks — readers will come away from this book savvier and better able to manage their time and information.
E-mail is an ubiquitous form of communication, and although weve been using it for years, its time we became cognizant of its perils and better managed the deluge of information it brings. Research shows that North American workers are wasting countless hours every week sorting and managing e-mail, many of which pertain to issues unrelated to their business goals. Because of our failure to manage this tool, e-mail is causing more productivity loss than gain.
· RESEARCH-BASED: Unlike most books on the topic, Cavanaghs book harnesses two years of qualitative research culled from conversations with employees at every organizational level. · RELEVANT: In an accessible tone, it covers every users e-mail temptations, including the temptation to react immediately to every message, the temptation to broadcast messages for illogical or political reasons, and the temptation to hide behind e-mail, attaching many files where a brief explanation would suffice. · PRACTICAL: It will show managers how to prioritize the information coming in and going out, saving countless hours and relieving the stress of not being sure how to respond. · CORPORATE BUYBACK OPPORTUNITIES: The content lends itself well to this sales channel, as the efiiciency measures prescribed herein could easily save corporations millions. · INITIATES A PUBLISHING RELATIONSHIP WITH SKILLPATH: A prepublication bulk sale into the training company minimizes our financial risk and provides valuable exposure to our target market.
About the Author
CHRISTINA CAVANAGH is an internationally recognized expert on the subject of e-mail. She is Professor of Management Communications in the MBA program at the Richard Ivey School of Business at The University of Western Ontario. She is also a business consultant who conducts e-mail workshops for Carnegie-Mellon, Revenue Canada (equivalent to the IRS), Siemens, and other major corporations.