Takes the reader beyond the conceptual idea of teams and provides practical advice for developing groups with interdependence in their work and the knowledge to become winning teams. Describes the type of leadership needed to guide teams successfully and prepares managers for challenges that arise. Unfolds the three cornerstones’ model for developing team success and provides how-to strategies to make them happen. Provides tools, tips, and anecdotes about interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, problem solving, group decision-making, meetings, and goal setting. Discusses the types of teams that are growing in popularity self-directed teams, project teams, and task teams.
Book Details:
- Author: Marty Brounstein
- ISBN: 9780764554087
- Year Published: 2002
- Pages: 360
About the Book and Topic:
Takes the reader beyond the conceptual idea of teams and provides practical advice for developing groups with interdependence in their work and the knowledge to become winning teams. Describes the type of leadership needed to guide teams successfully and prepares managers for challenges that arise. Unfolds the three cornerstones’ model for developing team success and provides how-to strategies to make them happen. Provides tools, tips, and anecdotes about interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, problem solving, group decision-making, meetings, and goal setting. Discusses the types of teams that are growing in popularity self-directed teams, project teams, and task teams.
* The fun and easy way to harness today’s hottest management trend – teamwork! * Nearly 68% of small company plants use teams to varying degrees. (1999 IndustryWeek Census of Manufacturers). * In the new world of business, all work is becoming teamwork–but very few teams work all that well. (Fast Company, 11/99). * Dummies success stories in the Management skills area: Managing FD–203,000 sold (net October); Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies-9,000 sold (net) in 6 months. * Subcategory strength: Books in the management/team building subcategory of business sell well–see “Competitive Titles” below. * In-demand, expert author who serves as an interpersonal/corporate communications consultant to such clients as: Yahoo!, City of San Mateo, E-Loan, Inc., Fujitsu Software Corp., and many other cutting edge organizations. * One of the only books in the market that provides practical, how-to tips for managers and employees to function in a team situation. * Small-company executives and consultants say that developing teams is necessary because technology and market demands are compelling manufacturers to make their products faster, cheaper, and better. (Industry Week Magazine 9/18/00).
About the Author
Marty Brounstein is a consultant and trainer specializing in management, career development, and customer service. He is the author of Communicating Effectively For Dummies, among other titles.