Risk is ubiquitous–Enron, the war on terrorism, or even crossing the street in the morning. Because life is filled with risk, smart people and well-run organizations set out to manage it as effectively as possible.Good management is concerned with operating proactively, initiating action that takes the organization where it needs to go rather than responding to a steady stream of crises. Risk management is the process of handling risk in a conscious fashion. In this book, best-selling author David Frame provides a universal 5-step framework for handling risks across all types of organizations. Most books on risk are are focused on the financial or insurance industry and within those industries, they focus on managing stock portfolios, or computing rates of return that accommodate levels of risk. They have very little to do with general business issues–and when you are trying to run an enterprise, they are of little use. In additional, the published books on project management risk are either largely conceptual and don’t deal with quantitative issues at all or are excessively mathematical. David’s book combines qualitative and quantitative and provides an accessible approach that can cross all disciplines, while addressing the unique issues of each.
Book Details:
- Author: J. Davidson Frame
- ISBN: 9780470336380
- Year Published: 2003
- Pages: 288
About the Book and Topic:
Risk is ubiquitous–Enron, the war on terrorism, or even crossing the street in the morning. Because life is filled with risk, smart people and well-run organizations set out to manage it as effectively as possible.Good management is concerned with operating proactively, initiating action that takes the organization where it needs to go rather than responding to a steady stream of crises. Risk management is the process of handling risk in a conscious fashion. In this book, best-selling author David Frame provides a universal 5-step framework for handling risks across all types of organizations. Most books on risk are are focused on the financial or insurance industry and within those industries, they focus on managing stock portfolios, or computing rates of return that accommodate levels of risk. They have very little to do with general business issues–and when you are trying to run an enterprise, they are of little use. In additional, the published books on project management risk are either largely conceptual and don’t deal with quantitative issues at all or are excessively mathematical. David’s book combines qualitative and quantitative and provides an accessible approach that can cross all disciplines, while addressing the unique issues of each.
This book has a wide audience and compliments our list in project management and Wiley’s list in financial risk management. This book also fills a need in the market–in fact, David has also been teaching a course on risk management for the past 12 years and is writing this book because he hasn’t been able to find a good book on the topic. This book will be the definitive book on managing risk in organizations much like Managing Projects in Organizations, has become the definitive work on PM, selling 112,987 copies in its second edition since 1995.
This book provides a comprehensive approach to managing risk across all organizations–business risk, operational risk, technical risk, project management risk, and political risk. * Written by the author of the best-seller Managing Projects in Organizations. * Provides a much-needed book for understanding risk management in organizations. * Offers a risk management resource for all types of industries.
About the Author
J. Davidson Frame is Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Management and Technology (UMT) in Arlington, Virginia. Prior to joining UMT, he established the project management program at George Washington University. He also served as director of the Project Management Certification Program at the Project Management Institute (PMI) and has served on PMI’s board of directors. Frame has authored more than forty articles and seven books, including The New Project Management (2nd edition), Managing Projects in Organizations (3rd edition), and Project Management Competence, all from Jossey-Bass.