Book Details:
- Author: Ulrich Eberl
- ISBN: 9783895786068
- Year Published: 2007
- Pages: 264
About the Book and Topic:
Eberl and Puma are presenting the real face of innovation. The innovators’ stories give an excellent impression of what is done that innvotions come into life.
About the Author
DR ULRICH EBERL born in 1962, is head of Siemens’ Innovation Communication. A biophysicist by training, he has contributed articles for a wide range of science and technology publications since 1988, reporting on topics ranging from nanotechnology to genetic engineering and archaeological excavations in Troy. After working for DaimlerBenz technology publications from 1992 to 1995, Dr. Eberl joined Siemens Corporate Communications in 1996. DR JOERG PUMA born in 1968, is the head of Krones AG Academy. From 1997 until 2006, he has contributed to the establishment and expansion of Siemens Qualification and Training. In particular, he has been responsible for the areas of strategy, innovation, finance, organizational development and leadership.