Designers and marketers should know that every product or service engages their user on three levels: functionality, emotion, aspiration. Functionality means that the object should work: the car should get you from A to B. Emotion is the feelings bound up in the object – if the car is a sports car it should feel exciting. Aspiration is what does having this object say about you – I am an exciting, trendy person, or I am very rich! The book will also integrate the eight lifestyle trends identified in recent lifestyle research – happening; statistics; demographics; philosophy; politics; popular culture – and discuss how these relate to product and service design and marketing. This book describes an approach called ‘total design’, which is about not only making but marketing and promoting a good or service successfully and profitably. The key is to take an integrated, holistic approach to the whole process: integrative because the design, marketing and branding need to give a clear and consistent story about what the product does; holistic because it needs to engage consumers on all levels. Because consumers now have more choice and more information about products, non-integrative approaches are less likely to succeed. There will be many examples of real and imaginary products and services to illustrate the points, and running case studies throughout to illustrate how total design helps to create products and services.
Book Details:
- Author: Patrick W. Jordan
- ISBN: 9780470668016
- Year Published: 2003
- Pages: 126
- BISAC: BUS043000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Marketing / General
About the Book and Topic:
Designers and marketers should know that every product or service engages their user on three levels: functionality, emotion, aspiration. Functionality means that the object should work: the car should get you from A to B. Emotion is the feelings bound up in the object – if the car is a sports car it should feel exciting. Aspiration is what does having this object say about you – I am an exciting, trendy person, or I am very rich! The book will also integrate the eight lifestyle trends identified in recent lifestyle research – happening; statistics; demographics; philosophy; politics; popular culture – and discuss how these relate to product and service design and marketing. This book describes an approach called ‘total design’, which is about not only making but marketing and promoting a good or service successfully and profitably. The key is to take an integrated, holistic approach to the whole process: integrative because the design, marketing and branding need to give a clear and consistent story about what the product does; holistic because it needs to engage consumers on all levels. Because consumers now have more choice and more information about products, non-integrative approaches are less likely to succeed. There will be many examples of real and imaginary products and services to illustrate the points, and running case studies throughout to illustrate how total design helps to create products and services.
* Features case studies and examples of both real and imagined “total design” products and services. * Quick, to-the-point, and practical. * A new approach to the design of products and services.
About the Author
DR. PATRICK W. JORDAN is an international design and marketing consultant, author and professional speaker. His theories and methodologies have influenced the design of many of the products that we find in our homes, cities and workplaces. Pat is CEO of the Contemporary Trends Institute (CTI), an international consulting firm specializing in trends and branding.