As a trainer in business development skills, Nick Davies knows that the vast majority of non-sales people think that selling is something that you do to someone. Furthermore, they regard it as some kind of dark art, practised by pushy, manipulative and basically dishonest people who can, using their powers, make people buy things they dont want. How to be Great at the Stuff You Hate demystifies the whole thing and makes it clear that selling is a process rather than an event and something that is done with people. The whole book is based around an easy to follow model that works: TARGET, CONNECT, MEET and ASK, whilst FOLLOWING UP at every stage. The approach is simple. The flow-diagrams, quotes, matrixes, graphs, tables and other confusing nonsense that other writers insist on using arent there. And theres no reference to a higher power or divine inspiration either. All you need to do is cut the crap, be yourself and win some business.
Book Details:
- Author: Nick Davies
- ISBN: 9780857082435
- Year Published: 2012
- Pages: 204
About the Book and Topic:
As a trainer in business development skills, Nick Davies knows that the vast majority of non-sales people think that selling is something that you do to someone. Furthermore, they regard it as some kind of dark art, practised by pushy, manipulative and basically dishonest people who can, using their powers, make people buy things they dont want. How to be Great at the Stuff You Hate demystifies the whole thing and makes it clear that selling is a process rather than an event and something that is done with people. The whole book is based around an easy to follow model that works: TARGET, CONNECT, MEET and ASK, whilst FOLLOWING UP at every stage. The approach is simple. The flow-diagrams, quotes, matrixes, graphs, tables and other confusing nonsense that other writers insist on using arent there. And theres no reference to a higher power or divine inspiration either. All you need to do is cut the crap, be yourself and win some business.
How to be Great is for the growing army of non-sales people who find themselves having to develop business whether as a Lawyer or Accountant or as a start up business. Full of practical how-tos, and loads of examples, which the reader can use. The whole book is based around an easy to follow model, one that the author created and that just works: TARGET, CONNECT, MEET and ASK, whilst FOLLOWING UP at every stage. He teaches this and people pay him to come back and teach others. Nicks straight-talking approach satisfies the hunger for people to tell it like it is, by using plain language and simple concepts that people get.
About the Author
Nick Davies is a former barrister who now works as a business trainer and speaker. In 2008, he started up The Really Great Training Company to provide people with no nonsense, practical training in key aspects of communication skill, delivered in a way that is effective, engaging, remembered and bursting with useful, practical information that’s based in the real world. Nick’s plain-talking, humorous approach has led to several accolades, including Trainer of the Year 2007/08 by LETG and also received the Best Conference Speaker Award at the KMUK European Conference 2009/10. He has also just beenappointed to train members of senior staff within The Royal Household at Buckingham Palace.