This book is the only resource that provides non-theoretical, pragmatic help to improve any practice immediately.
Book Details:
- Author: Alan Weiss
- ISBN: 9780470368848
- Year Published: 2002
- Pages: 208
About the Book and Topic:
This book is the only resource that provides non-theoretical, pragmatic help to improve any practice immediately.
There are over one half-million people involved in consulting, in solo or small practices, and large consulting firms. Consulting is one of the fastest growing professions, and ironically, it tends to grow no matter how the economy is doing. Seeking refuge from the insecurities of the corporate world, downsizing, less opportunity in flat organizations, many professionals turn to consulting as a career choice. The large corporate entities are the key targets since fees are readily accommodated, references and referral business is highly attractive, and the impact of change is so dramatic. It’s widely assumed that only huge consulting firms do business with huge clients. The truth is that there are hundreds of different buyers within these large enterprises, and they are sold the same way that smaller firm buyers are sold: through the development of relationships. After reading the book, what readers will be able to do, is: learn and master relationship selling, understand and identify the great number of buyers that exist, obtain larger contracts at lower levels, avoid legal department resistance and vetoes, and establish a presence and reputation in corporate America.
This resource that provides non-theoretical, pragmatic help to improve any consulting practice immediately. * Consultants will learn how to establish a presence and reputation in corporate America. * Understand and identify the great number of buyers that exist. * Obtain larger contracts at lower levels. * Contain myriad interviews and vignettes with highly successful consultants.
About the Author
Alan Weiss-author, international consultant, highly sought keynote speaker-is the founder and president of Summit Consulting Group. His clients have included Hewlett-Packard, State Street Corp., Fleet Bank, Coldwell Banker, Merrill Lynch, American Press Institute, Chase, Mercedes-Benz, GE, American Institute of Architects, and Arthur Andersen. He is the author of The Ultimate Consultant (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2001) and Getting Started in Consulting (John Wiley & Sons, 2000). Weiss resides with his wife Maria in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.