Yates begins with basic options terminology, covers how options are traded, and discusses basic trading strategies. He then moves into more advanced strategies and the subject of volatility and volatility-based trading. There is some discussion of the psychology of trading and how trading fits in with real life. The author draws from his impressive 25 years as an options trader and software programmer, giving traders the benefit of his mathematical approach to the markets without the jargon that often dominates books on options. Mathematical models are discussed in layman’s terms and related directly to how they are used in options trading, giving readers a useful hands-on guide to the market. Accompanied by a helpful companion website, High Performance Options Trading: Option Volatility & Pricing Strategies is a thorough and essential resource for any trader looking to increase their practical knowledge of options.
Book Details:
- Author: Leonard Yates
- ISBN: 9780470243015
- Year Published: 2003
- Pages: 218
About the Book and Topic:
Yates begins with basic options terminology, covers how options are traded, and discusses basic trading strategies. He then moves into more advanced strategies and the subject of volatility and volatility-based trading. There is some discussion of the psychology of trading and how trading fits in with real life. The author draws from his impressive 25 years as an options trader and software programmer, giving traders the benefit of his mathematical approach to the markets without the jargon that often dominates books on options. Mathematical models are discussed in layman’s terms and related directly to how they are used in options trading, giving readers a useful hands-on guide to the market. Accompanied by a helpful companion website, High Performance Options Trading: Option Volatility & Pricing Strategies is a thorough and essential resource for any trader looking to increase their practical knowledge of options.
This is a book about options, with practical information for the beginner to moderately knowledgeable investor. The author is a respected innovator in his field with 25 years of experience.
Offers a fresh perspective of trading options from the point of view of an engineer/programmer. * Includes invaluable OptionVue Software. * Filled with expert advice from a respected innovator in this field.
About the Author
Leonard Yates is a professional programmer with over 20 years of experience in both corporate and private software development work. He is the Founder/President and Chief Programmer of OptionVue Systems International, Inc., which specializes in developing and marketing options trading software and services. Before founding OptionVue Systems International, Yates was a software engineer at Tandem Computers for 2 years, and prior to that, he was a hardware and software engineer at IBM Corp. for 6-1/2 years. Len has been an active options trader for many years. He has studied corporate finance and financial models since the founding of his company and has made important contributions in the field of options pricing models — the most notable being the “Yates adjustment” to the popular Black-Scholes model as applied to American style puts. By accounting for the possibility of early exercise, this model has the advantage of both speed and accuracy, mutually exclusive qualities with other models. Marketplace Books, Inc, an independent press and John Wiley and Sons co-publish a full line of books in the finance, business and professional subject areas. These books carry the ‘Marketplace Books’ designation and combine Marketplace’s professional niche expertise with the world-class publishing and distribution talents of Wiley.