Gold, the long forgotten store of value that was once the center of the global financial system, suddenly matters a great deal again. It has become a leading asset by virtue of its strong performance. Despite Wall Streets disdain for gold, global investment demand for precious metals was surgingbeating stocks year after yeareven before the credit crisis erupted. More recently, China has begun moving part of its $2-trillion reserve basethe largest money pile the world has ever known into gold, suddenly making it the worlds single largest buyer. Booming gold demand has made it the only financial asset that remains in an uninterrupted bull market. Hard Money helps investors move beyond the simple, yet widely accepted notion that gold makes sense in todays financial environment, and explore ways to magnify potential investment returns driven by precious metals. In a nutshell, Hard Money examines the investment vehicles (bullion, stocks, derivatives, rare coins) and strategies (aggressive, conservative, passive and variations) aimed at beating the price of gold as it rises, and ways to protect a portfolio should the metal decline. Author Shayne McGuire offers key strategies to enhance returns with new methods for investing in gold.
Book Details:
- Author: Shayne McGuire
- ISBN: 9780470612538
- Year Published: 2010
- Pages: 288
- BISAC: BUS036000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Investments & Securities / General
About the Book and Topic:
Gold, the long forgotten store of value that was once the center of the global financial system, suddenly matters a great deal again. It has become a leading asset by virtue of its strong performance. Despite Wall Streets disdain for gold, global investment demand for precious metals was surgingbeating stocks year after yeareven before the credit crisis erupted. More recently, China has begun moving part of its $2-trillion reserve basethe largest money pile the world has ever known into gold, suddenly making it the worlds single largest buyer. Booming gold demand has made it the only financial asset that remains in an uninterrupted bull market. Hard Money helps investors move beyond the simple, yet widely accepted notion that gold makes sense in todays financial environment, and explore ways to magnify potential investment returns driven by precious metals. In a nutshell, Hard Money examines the investment vehicles (bullion, stocks, derivatives, rare coins) and strategies (aggressive, conservative, passive and variations) aimed at beating the price of gold as it rises, and ways to protect a portfolio should the metal decline. Author Shayne McGuire offers key strategies to enhance returns with new methods for investing in gold.
Despite the surge in financial risk during what has become the Great Recession, only 0.4% of global financial wealth is invested in gold today. Gold is virtually absent in the largest investment portfolios, most notably global pension funds and insurance companies, which protect trillions of dollars of the worlds assets. This lack of financial insurance did not go without notice when the value of all major investment asset classesstocks, corporate bonds, real estate, commodities, alternative investmentsplunged together in 2008 and multiple financial firms, including the worlds largest insurance company, sank into bankruptcy while gold climbed in value. Gold has risen 52% since the credit crisis erupted in 2007. Golds portfolio diversification benefits were proven once again in the latest financial crisis.
Strong Author with Proved Track Record: McGuire is a highly-regarded expert on gold who speaks frequently and consults with leading investment firms, including Morgan Stanley and UBS. His first book, Buy Gold Now, has sold nearly 10,000 copies since publishing in February 2008. Book Promotion: Author has established many contacts in most parts of the gold industry and investment world, which will help in book promotion. He will use contacts at Barrick Gold and GoldCorp to target the corporate side. Having worked as a journalist, McGuire maintains extensive media contacts with writers at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and CNBC to increase exposure. Timing of Book is Great: There is tremendous interest in gold given its strong performance in todays unsteady market. This book will reach an audience of investors looking for a systematic approach to investing.
About the Author
Shayne McGuire (Austin, TX) is a Managing Director and Head of Global Research at Teacher Retirement System of Texas, one of the worlds largest pension funds with assets of $91 billion. With 15 years of experience in global finance, Mr. McGuire began his career in pre-NAFTA Latin America, where he worked as a senior analyst at Barings, then the world’s leading emerging markets broker, followed by Deutsche Bank. In the fall of 2009, McGuire will begin managing the newly created $250-million Gold Fund, the first ever launched at a global public pension fund. Since the publication of Buy Gold Now (John Wiley, 2008), gold has outperformed all asset classes and has climbed 52% from when the credit crisis erupted in the summer of 2007. As a result, McGuire is increasingly being regarded as an authority on precious metals in financial circles. He graduated from Fordham University, and holds a Masters in History and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.