Game-Based Marketing points out the games we are playing and how to better play them in business marketing. It shows the way in which the corporate world is already using games to create an engaged and loyal customer base and ultimately anticipates the ways in which games will become increasingly pervasive in our world and why that is a good thing, especially if you are aware you are playing them. A few examples of successful marketing games played in today’s business world include: Leaderboards: As one of the premier up-and-coming social networking sites for business, Jigsaw targets sales people of all stripes with its large contact database. By creating a series of easy Leaderboards, Jigsaw has dramatically increased user contributions- without substantial marketing costs. Chase Picks Up The Tab: Chase revived one of their most popular promotions. Every time you use your Chase card, you have a chance at Chase paying for that transaction. McDonald’s Monopoly Game: McDonald’s Monopoly Game has become so iconic that customers ask for it by name and it’s reported to generate nearly 100 million dollars incremental revenue per year. United Airlines Mileage Plus: United’s Mileage Plus is well known for engaging mini games, team pint competitions, and real-world scavenger hunts for miles, but it is the affect of Mileage Plus’ design that has the greatest impact on the company’s bottom line.
Book Details:
- Author: Gabe Zichermann
- ISBN: 9780470562239
- Year Published: 2010
- Pages: 240
- BISAC: BUS043000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Marketing / General
About the Book and Topic:
Game-Based Marketing points out the games we are playing and how to better play them in business marketing. It shows the way in which the corporate world is already using games to create an engaged and loyal customer base and ultimately anticipates the ways in which games will become increasingly pervasive in our world and why that is a good thing, especially if you are aware you are playing them. A few examples of successful marketing games played in today’s business world include: Leaderboards: As one of the premier up-and-coming social networking sites for business, Jigsaw targets sales people of all stripes with its large contact database. By creating a series of easy Leaderboards, Jigsaw has dramatically increased user contributions- without substantial marketing costs. Chase Picks Up The Tab: Chase revived one of their most popular promotions. Every time you use your Chase card, you have a chance at Chase paying for that transaction. McDonald’s Monopoly Game: McDonald’s Monopoly Game has become so iconic that customers ask for it by name and it’s reported to generate nearly 100 million dollars incremental revenue per year. United Airlines Mileage Plus: United’s Mileage Plus is well known for engaging mini games, team pint competitions, and real-world scavenger hunts for miles, but it is the affect of Mileage Plus’ design that has the greatest impact on the company’s bottom line.
DIRECT ONLINE MARKETING PLATFORM TO 50,000+: Gabe has messaging capability to over 50,000 email users who follow him closely. His Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN network spans nearly 5,000 dedicated followers, “friends”, and include a Who’s Who of game industry luminaries. PROVOCATIVE, STRONG “ADVERTISING IS DEAD” MESSAGE: Advertising is dead. It is inauthentic, expensive, ineffective and poorly tracked. Games are the replacement design, solving all the problems of advertising. This concept should have excellent play in ad-related channels, business channels and particulary in NYC. It’s a high-controversy pitch- which is positive for the book’s positioning. SPEAKING EVENTS: Gabe speaks over 20 times each year (usually to crowds from 100-500 people and sometimes reach 1,000). He recently spoke to 1,000 people at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, CA and will leverage these events to sell books or market the book to marketers and technology industry professionals who make up the precise audience for Game-Based Marketing. CORPORATE SALES: As part of Gabe’s extensive corporate relationships, he will promote the book through channels with an emphasis on promoting directly to corporate clients, as well through viral promotions to his network. Companies include: United Business Media, Cisco, CheckPoint Software, IDG//IDC, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and Citigroup. A GO-TO EXPERT ON THE SUBJECT OF GAMES: Gabe is among the most frequently quoted people on the subject of games. His opinions are regularly sought after and he’s appeared in Forbes, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal (Asia and US), US Today, Venture Beat, Tech Crunch, and ReadWriteWeb- among others. He’s also appeared numerous times on TV and syndicated web programs, including for CNBC and as host of the games industry’s “Zeeby” awards for excellence in online/casual games. USING “FUNWARE” TO SELL THE BOOK: There are many ways that Gabe can use the exact methods of the book- for example, “Tweet A Phrase,” in which periodically throughout the book, readers will be encouraged to tweet a specific phrase in order to access some special material to receive points.
About the Author
Gabe Zichermann (New York, NY) developed the concept for rmbrME, the first mobile solution for exchanging social contact and lead information using just text messaging. He is a ten-year games industry veteran, having previously worked for CMP Media as the director of marketing for the Game and Developers Conference, Gamasutra and Game Developer magazine, as well as helping to launch and guide Trymedia Systems from start to sale as the first successful online game DRM and distribution company. Additionally, he has held posts at Cisco Systems, Nortel, and Checkpoint Software. Co-author Joselin Linder is an experienced writer, filmmaker, and former small business owner.