The book will candidly explore options and alternatives available to you when you cant make your monthly mortgage payment but want to avoid foreclosure. The author, explains the pre-foreclosure process using real life examples of families faced with foreclosure, their choices, and the steps/missteps taken. The book provides an easy to understand explanation of delinquency, default, and foreclosure from a homeowners perspective, including a state-by-state guide to foreclosure laws. (Although state laws differ, the underlying causes for foreclosure are universal … and the process to avoid foreclosure is almost interchangeable.) Measures to avoid foreclosure do not come as one-size-fits-all and are a result of informed decisions. Identifying, then weeding out credit repair predators too good to be true solutions will help distressed homeowners find alternatives in the high-pressure, time-sensitive environment of mortgage foreclosure.
Book Details:
- Author: David Petrovich
- ISBN: 9780470267646
- Year Published: 2008
- Pages: 256
- BISAC: BUS054000, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/Real Estate / General
About the Book and Topic:
The book will candidly explore options and alternatives available to you when you cant make your monthly mortgage payment but want to avoid foreclosure. The author, explains the pre-foreclosure process using real life examples of families faced with foreclosure, their choices, and the steps/missteps taken. The book provides an easy to understand explanation of delinquency, default, and foreclosure from a homeowners perspective, including a state-by-state guide to foreclosure laws. (Although state laws differ, the underlying causes for foreclosure are universal … and the process to avoid foreclosure is almost interchangeable.) Measures to avoid foreclosure do not come as one-size-fits-all and are a result of informed decisions. Identifying, then weeding out credit repair predators too good to be true solutions will help distressed homeowners find alternatives in the high-pressure, time-sensitive environment of mortgage foreclosure.
FORECLOSURES ARE AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH2 MILLION IN 2007–AND PROJECTED TO GROW. In addition to the sub-prime lending mess, millions of A.R.M. Mortgages are resetting, and many homeowners are seeing their mortgage payments jump 30%-50% causing many homeowners to miss their mortgage payments. NO COMPETITION: There are currently no books on the market on this topic from a major publisher. Fore-closure Self-Defense for Dummies is forthcoming in Spring 2008. PUBLICITY TRACK RECORD: Author has appeared has a guest on TV news segments, drive time NY area talk radio, and has been feature in the Sunday New York Times (see attached articles). He is starting a regular column in September with a magazine in South Jersey/Philadelphia area (Cumberland County Monthly Gazette). AUTHOR WILL PROMOTE THE BOOK TO ACORN AND OTHER LARGE NON-PROFIT HOME OWNERSHIP COUNSELING ORGANIZATIONS: There is potential for the book to be used by these organizations as a handout/textbook in their homeowner training classes.
About the Author
David M. Petrovich is Executive Director of the Society for the Preservation of Continued Homeownership (S.P.O.C.H.), a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, which provides pre-foreclosure counseling to financially troubled homeowners. He has appeared as a consumer foreclosure expert on television news segments, drive time NY area talk radio, been featured in the Sunday New York Times, and occasionally is asked to respond to questions for the New York Times Real Estate Q&A column. He contributed to the documentary, Maxed Out! an expose of insidious credit card industry practices. He has served as consultant to the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, investigating allegations of mortgage loan servicing error, predatory lending, and real estate transaction fraud, and has served as expert witness on mortgage loan servicing in several Federal Bankruptcy Courts (New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania). During his 20+ year career in real estate Mr. Petrovich has been a non-performing asset manager for a national mortgage loan servicer, a mortgage loan officer, and a consulting partner for a quarter billion dollar waterfront redevelopment project.