How does a business achieve prosperity in one of the most challenging market environments in history? Everything I Needed to Know About BusinessI Learned From a Canadian offers first-hand insights, experience, and best practices from 15 business leadersall of whom just happen to be Canadian. These 15 have all achieved excellence in a particular area of business, at home and on the world stage (e.g., Jim Pattison; Leonard Asper, CanWest Global; Terry McBride, Nettwerk Music; Leslie Dan, Founder of Novopharm; Rob McEwen, CEO of GoldCorp; Joel Cohen, Producer of The Simpsons). Each chapter is enhanced by profiles and stories of leaders and entrepreneurs who have been there and done it all, imparting business wisdom and management insights that will be entertaining as well as instructive.
Book Details:
- Author: Leonard Brody
- ISBN: 9780470159750
- Year Published: 2009
- Pages: 288
About the Book and Topic:
How does a business achieve prosperity in one of the most challenging market environments in history? Everything I Needed to Know About BusinessI Learned From a Canadian offers first-hand insights, experience, and best practices from 15 business leadersall of whom just happen to be Canadian. These 15 have all achieved excellence in a particular area of business, at home and on the world stage (e.g., Jim Pattison; Leonard Asper, CanWest Global; Terry McBride, Nettwerk Music; Leslie Dan, Founder of Novopharm; Rob McEwen, CEO of GoldCorp; Joel Cohen, Producer of The Simpsons). Each chapter is enhanced by profiles and stories of leaders and entrepreneurs who have been there and done it all, imparting business wisdom and management insights that will be entertaining as well as instructive.
Executive Digest: An easy-to-read and instructive compendium of thought leadership from top managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs around the world, all of whom happen to be Canadian. High-profile Profiles: This book offers insight on the art of management, the best of business wisdom, and practical advice on company building, all built around the deep thoughts and profiles of leaders who exemplify best practices in different areas (e.g., Jim Pattison; Leonard Asper, CanWest Global; Terry McBride, Nettwerk Music; Leslie Dan, Founder of Novopharm; Rob McEwen, CEO of GoldCorp; Joel Cohen, Producer of The Simpsons). Updated With New Chapters and Information: Every existing chapter will have a new introduction to update and provide current context. There will also be four entirely new chapters in the book from Isadore Sharpe, Four Seasons Hotels; John Assaraf, OneCoach; Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair; and Don Tapscott, Author of Grown Up Digital and Wikinomics. Author Support: The authors will promote the book and its message in all their speaking, consulting, and media engagements. In addition, they have already secured a $50,000-special sale to the federal governments Department of International Trade (about 5,000 units). Further special sales potential exists through regional economic development authorities and other government channels.
About the Author
Leonard Brody is one of Canada’s most respected young entrepreneurs. He has helped in raising millions of dollars for startup companies, been through one of the largest Internet IPOs in history, and has already sold three companies. Leonard was Founder and CEO of Ipreo, as well as a General Counsel and Member of the Board of Directors of Onvia Canada. A well-known public speaker, Leonard has lectured at leading industry events around the world, such as Internet World, COMDEX, and numerous venture capital conferences. He sits on several boards, including The Canadian eBusiness Initiative and the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance. He is a co-author of Innovation Nation (Wiley, 2002). David J. Raffa is a reformed attorney, newly minted venture capitalist and much sought after advisor by emerging technology companies. As a recognized corporate governance expert, David regularly advises companies on how to build successful boards, and boards on how to better lead their companies. David has served on many boards and advisory boards, frequently as Chairman, and is currently a director of the BC Technology Industries Association and a number of public and private technology and investment companies. In his role as Chairman of Activestate Corporation, a very successful anti-spam company, David led the sale of the company to Sophos PLC of the UK. While David wears many hats, they all revolve around mentoring young entrepreneurs who believe they have invented the next greatest thing.